What To Expect When You’re Arrested And Booked

Newport Beach Bail Bonds

Immediately after someone is arrested, they will be booked. This booking process is to document the person’s information to have on record, creating an official arrest record.

Here’s what happens:

  • The defendant’s personal information will be taken, such as name, date of birth, height, weight, etc.
  • The crime for which the suspect was arrested for will be taken.
  • The defendant will take a series of mug shots.
  • The defendant will relinquish clothes and small personal items they had to the police; they will not be thrown out, but instead stored then returned if and when the defendant posts bail.
  • Fingerprints will be taken.
  • The police will do a full body search, where the defendant will have to remove their clothes.
  • The police will search the databases for any outstanding warrants for any other charges. If there are, the defendant is less likely to be granted bail.
  • The defendant will take a health screening which includes blood tests and even x-rays.

It’s a straight-forward process but can take some time to complete. After booking, the defendant will have to wait in jail until their arraignment hearing, which is when the charges are formally announced and the judge considers bail, which we mentioned a few times. If the defendant is eligible for bail, they, or someone on their behalf, can contact Newport Beach Bail Bonds to secure an affordable bail bond. This bail bond will essentially be their ticket out of jail, with the expectation that he or she will show up for court when ordered to.

The booking process should be clear; to learn more about the bail and bail bond process, contact Newport Beach Bail Bonds online or on the phone at 714-973-2245.