There is a lot that the average individual doesn’t know about the process of bailing someone out of jail. One of the more important questions that people have is who exactly can bail someone out of jail? Some people assume that only family members can bail someone out, however that is not the case.

Here at Anaheim Bail Bonds, anyone can bail someone out of jail, provided they are a California resident. That is the only condition that needs to be met. As long as a person cares about someone, knows enough about the person, and lives in California, they can post bail. That’s all it takes.

When a person contacts Anaheim Bail Bonds to post someone’s bail, all they need to do is give us some information on that person. At the very least, we need the person’s name, birthday, and county of arrest. With that information, our agents should be able to locate your loved one in the county database. From there, they can fill out the paperwork for the bail bond and answer specific questions about your loved one’s arrest.

Another fact that surprises some people, is that multiple people can work together to bail someone out. This team-up is called co-signing. When two, or more people, sign the paperwork for the bail bond, they are each taking responsibility for the payments. This makes handling the bail bond easier for each co-signer.

  • 24/7 Bail bond service
  • 20% Discount
  • Phone approvals
  • 0% Interest payment plans
  • No hidden fees
  • No collateral with working signer
  • Se habla Español

When it comes to rescuing someone from jail here in California, anyone can, so as long as they are a resident of the state. Whether you are bailing out a family member or a friend, Anaheim Bail Bonds will be there to assist you. You can even get multiple friends to co-sign in order to make things easier for everyone.

What are you waiting for? You can bail out your friend today by calling (714)973-2245 or clicking Chat With Us now.