Can Convicted CA Felons Vote In The 2016 Presidential Election? Yes And No


The road to the presidential election in 2016 has begun and we thought it would be insightful to let you know this (if you don’t already): California felons may not vote if they are still in prison or on parole. Convicted felons may only vote once they are released from jail and complete parole.

Each state’s voting rights for felons vary. For example, Maine and Vermont are the only two states in which imprisoned felons are allowed to vote. Hawaii and Illinois are among the states where felons are allowed to vote once they are out of prison. In Florida and Kentucky, felons must petition the government to allow them to vote again.

So, if you are

  • Arrested for a misdemeanor and convicted
  • Arrested for a misdemeanor and not convicted
  • Arrested for a felony and not convicted

You are still eligible to vote. Let us, Santa Ana Bail Bonds, help you get out of jail upon that first initial arrest. Our bail bonds occur before your trial but even if you are truly guilty of the crime, our bail bonds will not fail you. We’ll get you out of jail and from there, you can move on with your life (and we hope that includes exercising your right to vote!)

Give Santa Ana Bail Bonds a call at 714-973-2245 to learn more about our bail bonds.