Category Archives: Bail Bonds News

Latest news and articles about bail bonds and the latest law about bailing your loveone

Is There a Difference between Jails and Prisons?

santa ana bail bonds

A vast majority of people out there can go their entire lives without ever having to deal with jails or prisons. These people can consider themselves lucky. However, due to this fact, many people do not know that there is a difference between jails and prisons. The two terms do not refer to the same […]

Did you Know: There Are Benefits to Going to the Beach

You Can Benefit by Going to the Beach

Summer is just around the corner, or that’s what we tell ourselves. We’re itching to soak up the sun and maybe catch a few waves. We’re Californians, relaxing on the beach is in our blood. We live off of vitamin D and the sounds of crashing waves. True beach bums go year round to relax […]

Harmful Sun Rays

Harmful Sun Rays

Warmer days are in the forecast and spring weather is here in California. It is time to get ready for the sunshine. Most Californians love the sunshine, and after all, sunshine is guaranteed to the masses by state law. For Californians, sunlight means beach days, hiking, pools, suntan lines, and fun times. Fun in sun […]

Are You Feeling Underappreciated? Here Are Some Self-Care Tips to Help with That

Self-Care Tips to Help with The Blues

Life is crazy. We spend so much of our time hustling that we often forget to take a moment for ourselves. It’s easy for some of us to give to others all of the time and not expect anything in return. Though we may not consciously expect anything in return; we would like for people […]

Did You Know You Can’t Trust Everything You See Online?

A part of growing up is learning that you cannot trust everything you hear and see. Just because a person said something, does not mean it is true. This can be a hard lesson to learn, especially since many people want to be able to believe everything they are told. Unfortunately, doing that is not […]

Do You Think We Are Slaves to Technology?

Do You Think We Are Slaves to Technology

Technology in our world today is a blessing and a curse it seems. There are positive advantages to technology, like being able to look up important information about your flight out of LAX. Unfortunately, there are a few drawbacks as well. Generations like the “millennials” are labeled as disconnected because of their preference to using […]

A New Freeway in Southern California?

A New Freeway in Southern California

Southern California is known for its sprawling freeways. These giant roads crisscross all over the region, creating an intricate spider-web of asphalt and concrete. Unfortunately, many of them are bogged down by large amounts of traffic, which makes driving across them long and difficult. In order to help alleviate some of that traffic, Los Angeles […]

Did You Know You Can Track Santa?


Old Saint Nick is coming to town this holiday season. He’s checking his list, and he’s going to be taking a trip around the world to deliver presents. With the help of modern technology we can now track Santa Claus as he makes his journey. Google has a fun, interactive way to keep tabs on […]

Common Questions about Bail


If you were to go out and ask random people questions about bail and bail bonds, they wouldn’t be able to give you much information. This is because most people never learn much about bail. Most people only know that it is the practice of giving someone money to get a friend or family member […]

Why Exactly Does Bail Exist?


For most people, bail is a bit of a mystery. They understand the basic concept, pay money to get out of jail, but that’s all they know. Some people wonder why bail even exists at all. These people often do not want criminals to get out of jail just by paying money. The problem is, […]