What Is a California Stop? There are lots of different rules that a driver has to follow while on the road. Failing to follow any of them can easily earn a person a ticket. Still, there are a ton of different laws, making it easy to forget one here and there. This is made even […]
Category Archives: Buena Park Bail Bonds
Is That Baby Photo Going to Get You Into Trouble? All parents, especially first-time parents, love to take photos of their babies. They don’t care how many photos they have of their child, they want more. On top of that, they don’t want to just hoard the photos for themselves, they want to share them […]
What Are Mandatory Reporting Laws? Child abuse is a very serious offense that most people do not ignore. As soon as it is discovered that someone has hurt or abused a child, the authorities will be alerted. Then the accused person will be arrested and face criminal charges. More on that can be found here. […]
Do You Follow Click It or Ticket? Every driver, and even most passengers have seen signs on the road that read: click it or ticket. The campaign has been around since its founding in 1993 when it originated in North Carolina. From there, the campaign spread across the country with some states embracing it more […]
Bailing a friend or family member out of jail is not something that most people have experience with. Unfortunately, people can get arrested at any time and a person may find themselves needing to bail out a loved one. When that happens, these people tend to have a lot of questions. One of the […]
When bailing someone out of jail, you want to find every discount possible. After all, bail costs a lot of money here in California. While bail bonds do reduce the cost of bailing someone out of jail by 90%, they still cost a few thousands of dollars. Most people don’t have that kind of […]
October is here, and all anyone can think about is the holiday of Halloween at the end of the month. Kids love getting dressed in fun costumes and trick-or-treating for bags full of candy. Meanwhile, adults enjoy dressing up as well, but they have parties to get to instead of wandering door to door […]
The state of California has what is known as a mandatory parole system. This means that any time a person finishes their prison sentence, they have to then be put on parole. When a person is on parole, they may be out of jail, but they have to live a restricted lifestyle. There will […]
B ailing someone out of jail on your own can be difficult, but with the right help, it can be a piece of cake. That is why most people seek help from a bail agent. Getting a bail bond greatly reduces the cost of posting bail, but it isn’t always enough. Luckily, there is […]
People have a lot of questions when it comes to bailing someone out of jail. Most people don’t use bail on a day to day basis, so this confusion is understandable. Luckily, the professionals working at Santa Ana Bail Bonds are more than capable of helping provide answers for those questions. Here are […]