Category Archives: Fullerton Bail Bonds

Preventing Porch Piracy


You may not be familiar with the term “porch pirates” but it’s a pretty good bet that either you or someone you are close to has been a victim of one. A porch pirate is exactly what it sounds like. It’s a term that refers to someone who spots a delivery package on your porch […]

Avoid a Drunk Driving Charge This Christmas


No one wants to spend the Christmas season sitting in a jail cell with a DUI charge hanging over their head, yet that’s exactly what will happen to several people this holiday season. Drunk driving is one of the most common reasons people are arrested during the holidays. Don’t assume that since it’s the holiday […]

How to Find a Loved One in Jail


Finding out a loved one is arrested isn’t always an easy process. The good news is that the California penal system has tried to simplify the process as much as possible. The only problem is that they haven’t really promoted the program which means many people have no idea how to find a loved one […]

Stay Safe Going into the New Year


Going out on the town and painting it red on New Year’s Eve always seems like a great way to ring in the New Year. Celebrating at bars, restaurants, clubs, and community events are a lot of fun and a great way to create some spectacular memories, but it can also be dangerous. The good […]

Tailgating in California


There are two types of tailgating in California. The fun kind involves loading up your pickup, gathering a bunch of friends, and feasting in the parking lot while you prepare for a big football game. That kind of tailgating is fun and legal. It’s also not the type of tailgating this article explores. The type […]

Zero Interest Bail Bond in California


No one creates a budget that includes the possibility of bail. That means that you’re not financially prepared when you get arrested. Not only do you not have the necessary funds set aside, but you’re also going to want to use any extra money you do have set aside to finance your defense. The problem […]

Why We Might Request Collateral


Sometimes we will only ask you to pay a 10% fee in order to secure your bail bond. Other times we may ask for the 10% fee and some form of collateral. As a rule, we will only require that you present some form of collateral if we feel that you’re a high-risk case. This […]

Prank Calls Aren’t Just Fun and Games


It’s not uncommon for kids to go through a phase where they make silly prank calls. These calls are generally thought to be harmless, but what about when they cross the line from being amusing to annoying? In California, calling a resident and pretending to place an order for a silly pizza won’t usually get […]

What to do When the Police Want to Question You


It doesn’t matter if it’s a phone call asking that you schedule an appointment or if officers knock on your door. Learning that the police want to talk to you is enough to strike terror into your heart, even if you haven’t done anything wrong. When you learn that the police want to speak to […]

Is it Ok for a Parent to Ask for Parenting Help?


If you think your child needs more help than you are able or knowledgeable to provide, do not hesitate to call for third party help, be it from another family member, a friend, or a professional. You want the best for your child, and you want to help them in every way possible, but sometimes, […]