Category Archives: Fullerton Bail Bonds

Understanding Mitigated vs. Aggravated DUI Charges in California

mitigated dui vs aggivated dui laws

It’s no secret that California takes drinking and driving seriously. If your blood alcohol content is 0.08%or higher, you’re considered legally intoxicated. If you get pulled over, you will be hauled to the nearest county or city jail and you will have to appear in court. What many California drivers don’t know, is that each […]

Nature in California

Nature in California

California is a large state full of opportunities and things to do. Even though it’s winter, the temperatures don’t always show it. This is a great opportunity to enjoy the great outdoors by checking out some of the parks within California. With hundreds of hiking trails, 118 state parks, and 9 national parks, California is […]

How to Stay Motivated

How to Stay Motivated

Starting off the new year feeling brand new is typical. However, the excitement may start to wear on you as you resume your usual routine. Here are some tips on how to stay on track with your New Year resolutions. Forbes has several recommendations: Set large goals Have reasons for wanting to complete the goals […]

Getting in Trouble for a DUI


You went out with friends the other night, and you thought someone else was going to be the designated driver. As it turns out, it was actually your turn to be the designated driver. Now you have to drive everyone home after a few drinks. Against your better judgement, you say you feel fine and […]

More DUI Checkpoints around Holidays


If you are out driving around near the holidays, you might have noticed an increase in DUI checkpoints. This is typical of any holiday where people drink more alcohol than usual. Officers know that drinking will increase around the holidays, which will lead to an increase in drunk drivers. The goal of these DUI checkpoints […]

Prep Your Car for Winter

Winter is almost upon, officially at least, and with that cold weather breathing down our necks, it is important to get things ready for the season. A person should always winterize the various aspects of their property, this includes their car. While it may not seem like it, your vehicle needs to be prepared for […]

Is Shoplifting a Felony?


If you know someone who recently got into trouble for shoplifting, you are probably very concerned about him or her. You wonder how much trouble a person can get into for shoplifting. How serious of an offense is it to steal something from a store or other place of business? Well, the answer to that […]

Winterizing Your Home


Winter may still officially be more than a month away, but it is time to start preparing your house for the cold. After all, many places in California are already starting to feel the effects of winter. You do not want to wait until it is too cold to do anything, or until something breaks […]

What to Do in an Active Shooter Situation


We have all seen the horrible stories on the news where some lunatic with a gun decides to attack dozens of innocent people. Sadly, this happens far too often. It is in the back of many people’s minds when they go out to special events. Due to this fact, it is important for everyone to […]

The Credibility of Online Reviews


Just because someone says something on the internet, does not mean that it is true. Anyone can say whatever they want on the internet, and for many people, there will be no repercussions. Most of the internet is in its Wild West stages. This means there are not many laws governing what can and can’t […]