Category Archives: Irvine Bail Bonds

Over-posting On Social Media While On Vacation?


Posting pics on social media has become synonymous with traveling and vacationing. We love to show our friends and family the cool places we’re visiting, the delicious food we’re eating, and overall, all the fun we’re having while they are stuck at work. You may have so many photos to choose from to post, but […]

Brake Checking in California


“Brake check” is a term that refers to the act of someone slamming hard on their brakes while they’re driving in front of another driver, forcing the other driver to either slam on their own brakes or swerve out of the way. It’s often done because the driver of the lead vehicle feels the second […]

Writing Bad Checks in California


We’ve all had a situation where we didn’t have as much money in our accounts as we thought we did. This can result in a bounced check. As soon as we find out about our mistake we contact the people/business and banks involved in the issue and try to resolve the matter as quickly as […]

Mug Shots Decorating Social Media Feeds? Not Anymore!


Law enforcement agencies throughout the United States have discovered the importance of social media marketing. It’s a great way to stay in touch with the communities they trust, to gain some extra funding, and even get some important leads on open cases. Posting mug shots on social media sites is one of the things some […]

Do I Have to Report a California Traffic Accident?


Most of us have a weird, knee-jerk reaction to traffic accidents. We like to pretend we don’t know about them and try to put as much distance between ourselves and the traffic accident as we possibly can. This is our reaction whether we’re involved in the accident or if we’ve simply witnessed one. When a […]

Cycling Under the Influence


We hear a great deal about the dangers of drinking and driving. We understand that a single DUI can have a horrible, long-term impact on our lives. As a result, many of us take steps to avoid even the possibility of getting behind the wheel if we think there’s a chance we’ll have a little […]

What is a Bail Bond?


Bail is a monetary amount a judge decides is a fair amount of money to secure your release from jail. The idea is that the amount should be high enough that it convinces you to return to court for all of your mandatory appearances. At the conclusion of your case, the money will be returned […]

What Type of Travel Restrictions Are Connected to Bail


When you go to an arraignment, one of the things that’s discussed is bail. Not only does the judge determine if you’ll be granted bail, but they also decide how high the bail is and what restrictions will be connected to the bail.  Surprisingly, many people find that the restrictions are more challenging than raising […]

Reasons You Should Get a Bail Bond


When you are granted bail, you have two options. The first option is to post the entire amount and bail yourself out of jail. Your second option is to contact Santa Ana Bail Bonds and inquire about getting a bail bond. There are a few compelling reasons you should consider the second option. You’ll Keep Money […]

Common Bail Conditions


Many people assume that money is the only thing connected to bail, but that’s not always the case. While it’s true that you won’t be released from jail until you have either posted your own bail or arranged for a bail bond, it’s not uncommon for a judge to add conditions to the bail. The […]