Category Archives: Santa Ana Bail Bonds Articles

A Once in a Lifetime Moment and Story for a California Couple

lifetime moment for a california couple

  There are special moments in everyone’s life that they would like to remember for forever. They would take any sort of memento of the event that they could. This way, they will never forget the amazing moment and the feelings they experienced. This includes moments such as first steps, graduating high school, and proposing […]

Speeding Is Illegal and Dangerous

speeding a big deal

  Everyone has been late to something in their life. Anyone who has experienced this can attest to the fact that it is not fun. This makes a lot of people do whatever they can to avoid running late again in the future. Unfortunately, some people do this by breaking the law. Speeding doesn’t seem […]

Kidnapping Is Every Parents’ Worst Nightmare

kidapping is every parents nightmare

  All any parent ever wants is for their child to be happy and safe. They brought this person into the world, and they want to see them succeed. The last thing they want, is for something bad to happen to their precious little one. Many parents have nightmares about worst case scenarios. The parent […]

Beware of Porch Pirates This Holiday Season

beware of porch pirates

  The holiday season is here. This means that people all over will be flock to stores, both brick and mortar, and virtual alike as they search for the perfect gifts for their loved ones. While this is a very merry time of the year, there are unfortunately some Scrooges out there who like to […]

How to Stay Safe and Secure While Shopping Online

stay safe while shopping online

  With the passing of Halloween, the holiday season has begun. Now people all over begin to really crackdown on their holiday shopping lists. They want to get the perfect something for everyone on their list. Not only does this mean an increase in shoppers at stores, it also means more people will be going […]

Parents Should Be Careful with Instant Soups

be careful with instant soups

  Any parent will tell you that taking care of a child is not an easy undertaking. They need constant supervision, or else they can get into some serious trouble. A recent study found that 1 in every 5 scald burns are caused by ramen and instant soups. Instant soups are quick, easy and cheap […]

What Cities Are The Most Dangerous in California?

most dangerous cities in California

  When it comes to the state of California, there are so many different choices when it comes to finding a place to settle down. A person can settle down in a city by the open desert, or in a small, forested mountain town. California has so many options that finding the right place to […]

Safe Stop Sign Etiquette

stop sign etiquette

  In order to become a driver, a person needs to go through a lot of training and practice. There are a lot of rules of the road that need to be memorized. There are so many in fact, that it is only natural for some of them to be forgotten. One area where that […]

Using a Phone While Driving Is Illegal in California

using a phone while driving

  In today’s world, pretty much every adult has a smart phone. These incredible little devices give people access to everything important in their lives. They allow people to stay in touch with loved ones even though they may be miles apart. Unfortunately, these devices can be incredibly addicting. Just like everything out there in […]

A Boring Solution to a Big California Problem

boring solution to a california problem

  The city of Los Angeles is known for a lot of different things. Unfortunately one of the more prominent things in LA is its traffic. Trying to get anywhere in Los Angeles, or the Surrounding LA and Orange Counties can be a real nightmare. At peak times, it can take hours to drive just […]