Category Archives: Santa Ana Bail Bonds Articles

Is It Legal to Break a Window to Save a Child or Pet from a Hot Car

No Parent Should Ever Do This

Summer is in full swing. Not only does this mean that the kids are out of school for the season, but the temperatures are at their peak. Summer holds a number of problems for parents. Not only do they have to try to figure out what to do with their children while still managing their […]

Having Trouble With Nosy Neighbors?

Everybody likes their family and friends. These are the people that the person has hand selected to be in their life. These are the people we like most, however, they are not typically the people one lives closest to. Those people are called neighbors, and no one gets to pick who their neighbors are. This […]

How to Celebrate the Fourth of July in California

How to Celebrate the Fourth of July safely

With the Fourth of July right around the corner, many people are getting ready for quite a show. Everyone knows that America’s Independence Day is celebrated with fireworks. These colorful controlled explosives will be lighting up the night and filling the air with a never ending sound of thunder. A good Fourth of July fireworks […]

Annoying Neighbors Getting to You?

noise complaint laws

When you move into your first house or apartment, you’re faced with new problems that you previously never considered before. Things like what kind of paper towels to buy, where to do laundry, how to do laundry, and many other adult tasks. When you decide on a first home, you mainly are focused on appearances. […]

DUI Checkpoints and Independence Day

dui checkpoints fourth of july

Whenever certain holidays roll around, you can bet that you will start to see more DUI checkpoints. This is due to the fact that more people drink alcohol around these holidays, and then proceed to get behind the wheel of a vehicle. Police officers know this, and do everything in their power to curb this […]

What’s Legal and What’s Not When Placing Hidden Cameras in Your Home

hidden camera laws

The Fourth Amendment was designed to protect people while they were in the comfort of their own home. It prevents law enforcement from entering the home without a warrant. The problem with the Fourth Amendment was that it was written and signed into law long before secret video surveillance was even possible. Many people believe […]

Tips for Identifying Someone Who is Impersonating a Police Officer

impersonating police officer charges

One of the biggest fear many people have is not knowing the real cops from the fake cops. The fact that the news seems to be constantly playing some story about someone who was assaulted by a fake cop does nothing to ease anyone’s fears. The good news is that there are some things you […]

How Safe Is Your Home While On Vacation

protecting your home while on vacation

Going on vacation is lots of fun but coming home and finding out that your house has been broken into isn’t. There are several things you can do to keep your home safe while you’re having a good time. Talk to Your Neighbors/Friends An abandoned house is one that attracts burglars. You want there to […]

What is Megan’s Law

what is megans law

Way back in 1995, New Jersey became the first state to enact Megan’s Law, which requires that law enforcement authorities notify any community that a convicted sex offender has moved into the area. In short, it was the law that first created the sex offenders’ registry. In California you can search if a sex offender […]

How to Handle Noisy Neighbors

dealing with noisy neighbors

Noisy neighbors can seriously lower your enjoyment of life, particularly when the noise happens late at night. If you’re in the middle of a noisy neighbor situation, here’s some tips that will help you gain some peace. Is the Noise Chronic Truthfully, if the noise issue is just an occasional thing, your best course of […]