Category Archives: Santa Ana Bail Bonds Articles

Being a Single Dad

difficulties of being a single dad

We live in a world where we preach independence. We want independence from everyone and if someone says we can’t do something, we prove them wrong. When people say you can’t raise a child without being married, you prove them wrong. There is nothing wrong with being a single mother and to all those single […]

Standing Your Ground While Defending your Home in California

standing your ground laws california

California, as well as several other states, have what are referred to as “stand-your-ground-laws.” The purpose of these laws is to allow you to use deadly force when placed in a situation where you need to defend yourself. One of the most famous cases where stand-your-ground laws were a factor in getting someone off a […]

Self-Defense in California

self defense laws california

In California you can’t be found guilty of a violent crime provided you can prove that the only reason you used the violent action was in self-defense. In addition to proving that you were in danger, you’ll also have to prove that your actions were reasonable given the set of circumstances you found yourself in. […]

How California Responds When Your Dog Bites Someone

dog bite laws in california

Owning a dog is wonderful, but as a California resident, you need to understand that you are responsible for your dog’s actions, especially if your dog bites someone hard enough to cause an injury. California’s Strict Liability Laws Regarding Dog Bites The State of California is one of the few states that enforces “strict liability” […]

Your Child’s Habit of Skipping School Could Result in You Spending Time in Jail


You can tell your kids to go to school, you can even drive them there and watch them enter the building, but at some point, you lose control of their actions. If they decide to sneak out the back door and skip school for the day, there’s not much you can do about it. Right? […]

Weird and Wacky Laws in Hermosa Beach

hermosa beach laws

Just about any city you visit will have at least one strange law that makes you wonder what the city officials were thinking when they passed it. California’s Hermosa Beach has several such laws. Don’t You Dare Dump Salt on the Street If you walk down the street sprinkling salt in your wake, don’t be […]

California’s Attitude Towards Leashes and Dogs

dog leash laws in california

The issue of leashes is a sensitive subject for many dog owners. Some feel that if their dog is well trained, they shouldn’t be required to keep their dog on a leash. Other’s feel that whenever a dog isn’t on the owner’s private property, the animal should be leashed. The State of California doesn’t have […]

Using GPS in California Could Result in Legal Trouble

gps laws in california

Very few of us even carry a map in the car with us. Why would we when GPS is so much more accurate and gives us directions while we actually drive. As wonderful as GPS devices are, if you’re driving in California and using one, you need to be careful. Like most states, California has […]

Can a Police Officer Search Your Vehicle

can police search you car

One of the first things an officer often does when they pull you over for a traffic infraction is take a peek inside your car. In some cases, they’ll ask you to get out of the vehicle while they do a thorough search of the interior. Watching them go through the items you have tucked […]

When Shouldn’t You Leave Your Pet or Child in the Car?

child endangerment laws

With the weather heating up, we need to aware of our actions. Not staying hydrated, and staying in the sunlight too long can have serious repercussions. We have to be smart in order to survive the heat. However, it’s not just about your safety this summer that you have to be concerned about. It is […]