Category Archives: Santa Ana Bail Bonds Articles

Oh Happy Spring: Go Enjoy California!

Oh Happy Spring: Go Enjoy California

Spring is here, and warmer weather is around the corner for us Californians. Right now we are able to bask in the sun, smell the flowers, and wear shorts. Meanwhile the rest of the nation is suffering from post-winter weather. Luckily for us, we live in California and are past that kind of weather. We […]

Working Too Much?

Working Too Much

As Americans, we are a career-focused society. We want to make money so we can live life however we want. We want to have that luxurious life that we see on social media sites. We also want to do better than our parents, because we’ve seen them struggle. This leads us to work a lot. […]

Don’t Drown in Payments

santa ana bail bonds

Picture yourself at the beach, wading in the water. The ocean only reaches your ankles at this point, and you’re comfortable. The sun is the right temperature, and the water isn’t freezing cold either. As you stand there you feel confident about allowing the water to move up your legs, so you wade further into […]

Can I Get In Trouble For Not Reporting Crimes I Witnessed?

how to report crimes

When a crime occurs and you’re around to witness it, do you have to report it to the police? Is it a moral obligation or a legal one? Most people don’t really know where the line is drawn. Sometimes no, you don’t legally have to report it, but other times, yes you do. If you […]

Driving Slow in the Fast Lane: Is It Legal?

Driving Slow in the Fast Lane: Is It Legal

Have you ever been driving down the freeway only to get stuck behind a vehicle doing 55 in the fast lane? It can be incredibly frustrating to get slowed down by someone who can’t drive the speed limit and yet insists on being in the left lane. Unfortunately, it is a pretty common occurrence, especially […]

Let’s Address the Green Monster in the Room: What Can Cause Jealousy

What Can Cause Jealousy

We all have a little green monster inside us. This monster causes us to doubt others and makes us do things that we may regret later. This little creature’s name is jealousy. Jealousy doesn’t just live in romantic relationships. Jealousy can be found in all forms in relationships. You can be jealous in a friendship. […]

Mother’s Day in Mexico

Mother’s Day in Mexico

Mother’s Day is always on a Sunday and this is due to the origins of this holiday being tied to Lent, a Christian tradition. The date of Easter influences when Lent and Mother’s Day are. This year, Mother’s Day follows on May 13th, which is coming up fast. However, if you’re confused about the date […]

Gifts Your Mom Will Appreciate

Gifts Your Mom Will Appreciate

Moms are special. Not just special in how they’re all unique, but special in how much they do for us. The amount of patience they have for our attitudes, problems, and mistakes, are never ending it seems. Moms are truly amazing and need to know this. They give so much of their lives to us […]

How Much Do You Know About Dog Owner Liability?

How Much Do You Know About Dog Owner Liability

We love our pets. For many of us, our pets are just like our children- only furrier. But, like many things in life, owning a dog is a huge responsibility, one that many people are not as ready for as they think they are. Dogs need a lot of attention. They need to exercise daily, […]

Rules on the Beaches in California

Rules on the Beaches in California

California is known for its coastline. Famous beaches line Venice, Santa Monica, Malibu, and Big Sur are iconic to the rest of the nation. People travel from all over the world to see the golden coast. Musicians write songs about the west coast all the time. California is continuously engraved in to the books for […]