Some parents out there who are dealing with minors and drinking tend to take a different approach to the matter. Many parents would flat out ban their children from drinking until they are of legal age to do so. However, some parents prefer to allow their underage children to drink, but only under their supervision. […]
Category Archives: Santa Ana Bail Bonds Articles
Just about everyone has at least one social media account these days. One of the most popular types of accounts, is a Facebook account. Facebook allows family members and friends to keep up to date on each other’s lives no matter how far apart they may live. On top of that, there are all sorts […]
Life has become very dependent on the cellular phone. People can’t leave their home without it, and if they forget it at home, they feel as if they have left some important part of themselves at home. It is true to say that the cellular phone, and especially the smartphone, has turned into an extension […]
Spring has officially arrived and that means it is finally warm enough to start venturing outside once again. Winter weather can be fun, but it can wear a person down. There is nothing quite like sitting outside on a warm spring day and enjoying the fresh air. If you have kids, then now is the […]
Having an open mind is vital in the world today. There are so many opinions, facts, and attitudes out there. Even in family settings we may feel like we have to tread carefully because we don’t want to offend anyone. Some people get so offended over another’s opinions that you may feel as if you […]
With so much tragedy in the world, it’s not surprising to know someone with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 8 out 100 people will experience PTSD at some point in their lives. Most people assume that in order to have PTSD, you must fought in a war. Contrary […]
Children see more than most people realize. They are always watching adults in order to learn how they should behave in the world. Due to this fact, it is incredibly important for a parent to watch what they do and say while around their kids. If they aren’t they could inadvertently teach their child a […]
California is no stranger to going green. From windmills to solar panels, and paying $0.10 for a plastic bag at the grocery store, California is one of the leaders in going green. At times theses eco-friendly changes may be complicated at first, but they pay off. The more we work together, and come together as […]
Speeding is something that every driver has been guilty of at least once. We have all had days where our patience ran thin and we found ourselves rushing to get home as quickly as possible. We know doing so is a bad idea, and yet we did it anyways. Speeding puts drivers at an increased […]
Hippity hoppity, here comes Peter Cottontail, hopping along the bunny trail. The Easter bunny comes and visits little boys and girls every spring. He hides eggs filled with treats, and brings baskets full of gifts for the kids. However, where does he come from? Where does the bunny trail that he hops along every year […]