Category Archives: Santa Ana Bail Bonds Articles

Daylight Saving Time is Almost Over


Daylight saving time. Every Californian has heard of this time. Most people know it as the reason we lose an hour of sleep every spring, and gain an extra hour of sleep every fall. This year, daylight saving time will come to an end on November 5th, which is good news for anyone looking to […]

Difference between Juveniles and Adults


Turning 18 is a pretty big deal for most people. After all, once someone turns 18, they are a full-fledged adult. The thing to be wary of, is that the person can now run into serious trouble for breaking any laws. Adults have very different penalties than juveniles do when they break the law. Juveniles […]

The Patriot Guard Riders


As Veterans Day approaches, we begin to reflect on all of those who have served in the armed forces. People who serve in the military are men and women who are willing to risk everything they have to keep their country safe. It is thanks to these amazing people, that we are able to have […]

We Are Always There for You


There are few things worse than facing something new and terrifying all on your own. One such thing that would be worse, would be find out that one of your close friends or family members has been arrested. Now you want to bail out your loved one, but you have never dealt with bail before. […]

How to Get Someone Out of Jail for Almost Free


Many people nowadays are living paycheck to paycheck. They do not have excess money to spend on frivolous things. They know exactly where each part of their paycheck is going before they have even received it. This can make it extremely difficult to pay for any unexpected expenses, like the arrest of a loved one. […]

Becoming the Best Is Just the Beginning


No one ever tells you that becoming the best at something is actually the easy part. It turns out, remaining at the top is a lot more difficult than getting there. A person cannot just relax once they have reached that level. It takes a lot of dedication and effort to continue to be the […]

The Brief History of Halloween


October is here, and that means fun and frights for many people across California, and the country in general. Just about everyone celebrates Halloween in some shape or form, but not everyone knows how the holiday got its start. It is believed that the holiday started out as the Celtic festival of Samhain, (pronounced sow-in). […]

Scary Legends of California: Alcatraz


Probably one of the more famous haunted places in all of California is Alcatraz Island in San Francisco Bay. The island has served as a military fortification, military prison, and as a federal prison. The place has been associated with suffering and death for a long time, and that association has left an imprint on […]

Weird Laws and Halloween


With as many laws as there are in the state and federal governments, there are bound to be some weird ones out there. Just about every state in the country has its fair share of laws that make no sense to a sane person. Many of these laws make you wonder how they became laws […]

DUI Checkpoint and What to Expect


DUI checkpoints often feel like a nuisance for most people. This is a good thing, since most people do not drink and drive. Unfortunately, there are still some people out there who think it is okay to get behind the wheel after they have been drinking. In fact, a person is injured due to a […]