Category Archives: Santa Ana Bail Bonds

What Is Price Gouging?


What Is Price Gouging? Anyone who knows about economics and the concept supply and demand knows that as demand goes up and supply struggles to keep up, prices can rise too. The more people want something, and the less of it there is, the more expensive that item becomes. This is something that a lot […]

What Counts as Looting in California?


What Counts as Looting in California? Whenever an emergency strikes, people are bound to panic. This is only natural as systems that people have been able to rely on for their day to day lives begin to shut down. This is exactly what is happening as the COVID-19, Coronavirus pandemic spreads across the world. In […]

The Top 20 Safest Cities in California


When people are looking to move, they always want to make sure that the place they are moving to is safe. Figuring out if a particular city is safe or not requires a lot of work, more than the average individual can do on their own, and that’s just for one city. If a person […]

What Is a California Stop?


What Is a California Stop? There are lots of different rules that a driver has to follow while on the road. Failing to follow any of them can easily earn a person a ticket. Still, there are a ton of different laws, making it easy to forget one here and there. This is made even […]

Is That Baby Photo Going to Get You Into Trouble?


Is That Baby Photo Going to Get You Into Trouble? All parents, especially first-time parents, love to take photos of their babies. They don’t care how many photos they have of their child, they want more. On top of that, they don’t want to just hoard the photos for themselves, they want to share them […]

Is Prop 47 Helping or Hurting California?

Is Prop 47 really helping

Is Prop 47 Helping or Hurting California? All the way back in 2014, California voters chose to enact Proposition 47. Prop 47 was billed as a way of making the punishment aspect of law and punishment fairer for many nonviolent offenses. With the passing of this proposition, certain crimes were reduced from felonies to misdemeanors. […]

What Are California’s Child Abuse Laws?


What Are California’s Child Abuse Laws? Parenting a child isn’t an easy undertaking and isn’t something that should be stepped into lightly. Sometimes kids misbehave and need to be punished in order to learn that what they did was wrong. However, how a child is punished could get a parent into legal trouble. Most forms […]

What Are Mandatory Reporting Laws?


What Are Mandatory Reporting Laws? Child abuse is a very serious offense that most people do not ignore. As soon as it is discovered that someone has hurt or abused a child, the authorities will be alerted. Then the accused person will be arrested and face criminal charges. More on that can be found here. […]

What Are the Laws on Marijuana in California?


What Are the Laws on Marijuana in California? It seems like just yesterday that the usage of marijuana was illegal here in California. However, Californians voted to make marijuana usage legal in the state back in 2016, and the recreational use of marijuana became legal January 1st, 2018. This change allowed a whole lot of […]