Category Archives: Santa Ana Bail Bonds

California Laws on Sexting and Revenge Porn

California Laws on Sexting and Revenge Porn

California Laws on Sexting and Revenge Porn When two people are together in a relationship, things are bound to get intimate. Couples can get up to all sorts of things behind closed doors, and for the most part, that is okay. Most states are fine with whatever romantic things couples do to express their love […]

What Are California’s Laws on Fighting in Public?

What Are California’s Laws on Fighting in Public

What Are California’s Laws on Fighting in Public? For the most part, people are able to go about their day without much confrontation. In most instances, people would rather things go smoothly than get into a fight. Unfortunately, there are still times when fights will arise. Often times, they occur because one, or both, of […]

What Are California’s Laws on Domestic Violence?

What Should I Do if My Family Fights?

What Are California’s Laws on Domestic Violence? When a person is interacting with someone that they care about and love, they typically want what is best for them. After all, they love that person. Unfortunately, that isn’t always the case. Sometimes the people that someone cares about most hurts them for no good reason, and […]

What Counts as Stalking in California?

"What Counts as Stalking in California"

What Counts as Stalking in California? In healthy relationships, there is an equal amount of love and adoration from both parties involved. Unfortunately, not every relationship is a healthy one. There are a lot of one-sided relationships out there that are not good for either parties involved. What can be incredibly upsetting, and even scary, […]

Do You Follow Click It or Ticket?

Do You Follow Click It or Ticket?

Do You Follow Click It or Ticket? Every driver, and even most passengers have seen signs on the road that read: click it or ticket. The campaign has been around since its founding in 1993 when it originated in North Carolina. From there, the campaign spread across the country with some states embracing it more […]

When Should You Report Suspicious Activity?

When Should You Report Suspicious Activity?

When Should You Report Suspicious Activity? The goal of law enforcement officers is to ensure that people follow the law and to keep people safe. Unfortunately, they can’t do anything unless they see the act or someone informs them of it. This is why law enforcement agencies always ask people to report any suspicious or […]

Are New Year’s Eve Fireworks Legal in California?

Are New Year’s Eve Fireworks Legal in California?

Are New Year’s Eve Fireworks Legal in California? The end of the year is rapidly approaching and everyone is getting ready. One of the big, spectacular ways that people celebrate the end of the year and the arrival of the next one is with fireworks displays. With today’s technology, a person can watch displays from […]

How to Stay Safe with Ride Share Services

How to Stay Safe with Ride Share Services

How to Stay Safe with Ride Share Services One of the many great services to come out of the digital age is ride sharing. Apps like Uber and Lyft have made getting a ride to or from just about anywhere incredibly convenient. All a person has to do is pull up the app on their […]

Don’t Get a DUI on New Year’s Eve

Don’t Get a DUI on New Year’s Eve

Don’t Get a DUI on New Year’s Eve As this year draws to a close, pretty much everyone is planning out how they are going to celebrate. Parties will be happening all over the world and deciding which party to go to can be a daunting task. Luckily, the end results are pretty fun, provided […]