Category Archives: Santa Ana Local News

Can You Drive While High?

driving while high

  At the start of 2018, California made it legal for marijuana to be sold from licensed dispensaries. This allowed people to consume marijuana recreationally, much in the same way that alcohol is allowed to be used. While this excited many people, some failed to realize some of the implications of the new. The biggest […]

Turning Off the Power Due to High Winds

turning power off due to high winds

  Fall has finally arrived, and for Californian, that means it is time to brace yourselves against the strong winds that come with the season. These strong winds can topple trees and powerlines, which when combined with dry brush, can spark out of control wildfires. This means that not only do residents have to brace […]

The Penalties of Dogfighting in California

california dog fighting

  When it comes to owning animals, people are supposed to treat the animal with the same respect that they would a human. If a person does not take care of an animal, then they can face animal abuse charges. Animal abuse on its own is pretty bad, but forcing an animal to fight another […]

What is a California Rolling Stop

rolling stop in California

  How many seconds is a complete stop? California is notorious for having drivers who like to play by their own rules. Drivers in the state seem to follow the mentality that if everyone does it, it must be okay. However, this is not the case. After all, if other drivers drove off of a […]

Tips for Keeping Everyone Safe This Halloween

tips for keeping everyone safe

  Halloween is almost here. It is a night kids dream about all year, filled with costumes and bags full of candy. Kids love this holiday. However, it can be a bit scary for parents, and not in the good way. With the way information spreads nowadays, many people have realized that kids aren’t always […]

Vandalism in California

vandalism in California

  Many people know what vandalism is. We hear about it, and see it, all of the time. Vandalism is taken very seriously in California. Getting caught vandalizing someone’s property can land a person in jail with hefty fines. While many people think they know what constitutes as vandalism, there are a few acts which […]

Where Do You Get Rid of Your Trash?

Illegal Dumping Laws in California

  Trash is always a bit of a problem, and anyone who has driven on California’s roadways can confirm that. The state’s roads are littered with rubbish that people have simply abandoned there. It happens all of the time, and in many cases, people get away with it. Due to the perceived lack of consequences […]

Making Halloween Safe and Fun

staying safe for halloween

  The spookiest day of the year is creeping closer and closer. With Halloween right around the corner, many kids are preparing themselves for a sugary feast. Meanwhile, parents are doing everything that they can to keep this Halloween both fun, and safe. While Halloween is meant to be a scary holiday, it should be […]

Looking for a Cheap and Affordable Bail Bond?

facing your fears

  If you were to ask anyone who has bailed someone out before how expensive it is, they would tell you it is very expensive. Bail costs several thousands of dollars here in California, which places it well out of reach of most individuals. That is why we are here at Santa Ana Bail Bonds work […]

Could Parents Face Jail Time for Taking Away Their Child’s Cellphone?

parents could face jail time

  Pretty much every adult out there today, could tell you how if they didn’t behave well as a child, their favorite toy or item would get taken away until they cleaned up their act. It’s a parenting strategy that adults have been using for as long as anyone can remember. Doing this teaches a […]