Category Archives: Santa Ana Local News

College Students and Real Life

santa ana bail bonds

Students returning to college ought to remember they are now legal adults. If they get in trouble, they can face serious consequences that parents might not be able to fix. Parents will definitely help out as much as possible, but they cannot make the problem go away like they could have before. So say a […]

About the New California Cell Phone Use and Driving Laws

santa ana bail bonds

New California laws banning the use of cellphones while driving have officially been put into place starting January 1, 2017. While such laws have already existed in California for some time now, the new laws expand on existing ones. The existing ones are outdated, having begun when smart phones were less advanced than today, and […]

Restart the New Year with Santa Ana Bail Bonds

santa ana bail bonds

The start to your loved one’s new year has been less than spectacular. He or she has already run into problems with the police and is now sitting in jail, waiting to post bail. They are probably thinking it is a bad omen, that the rest of the year, or life, will be rocky. You […]

Are You a Wanted Person?

santa ana bail bonds

Knowing that the police are going to, or want to, arrest you is one thing, but not knowing if they are on the lookout for you is a scary thought. You genuinely do not know this information, or it has not crossed your mind that you are doing something wrong. Santa Bail Bonds can do […]

Do Ask for Help

santa ana bail bonds

No matter what age their children are, parents will never fully let go of them. They are always going to be there for their children someway, somehow. It is that parental instinct to protect and help, and during the worst of the worst situations, their “being there,” will be no different. If you are ever […]

The Risks and Rights of Bail Bond Co-Signing

santa ana bail bonds

Bail bond co-signers have a very important role in the release of a defendant. Their role can often also be mentally stressful. Co-signers are often needed to secure a bail bond. Without a co-signer on a bail bond, the defendant will remain in jail. When a defendant does get a co-signer on their bail bond, […]

Top Notch Bail Bond Work with Santa Bail Bonds

santa ana bail bonds

Rated one of California’s most trusted and reliable bail bond companies, Santa Bail Bonds works magic when it comes to posting bail with bail bonds for anyone who needs their services. 24/7 statewide availability Affordable bail bonds and customized payment plans Fast, confidential service Zero interest No hidden fees Discounts available Cash, credit, debit, and […]

Don’t You Know: Life Is Not Perfect

santa ana bail bonds

Life is far from perfect, no one has a perfect life. At some point, everyone gets in trouble, from cutting curfew or not doing homework, to doing something wrong at work or speeding. That right there is already an indication that no one is perfect, and life is not either. The good thing is that […]

When to Bail Someone Out of Jail

santa ana bail bonds

Did you just find out that a friend or family member, someone you care about, has been arrested? If so, you probably want to help your loved one, but you have no idea when you can do that. When is the best time to contact a bail agent? The best time to contact a bail […]

Wondering How Much a Bail Bond Costs?

santa ana bail bonds

One of the most asked questions in the bail bond industry, is how much does a bail bond cost? The problem is, that the answer to that questions varies from case to case. The cost of a bail bond depends on a person’s bail amount, which is assigned by a judge. The judge determines the […]