Category Archives: Tustin Bail Bonds

We Will Help You Rescue Your Loved One at Orange County Bail Bonds Service

When a friend or family member is in trouble and has been arrested, you will want professional help. You want the best help available, and you can find it at Orange County Bail Bonds Service. We have the greatest bail agents available in California. They have years of training and experience in helping Californians get […]

Do Not Let a Loved One’s Arrest Ruin Your Day

Life is funny; one moment you are sitting on top of the world and everything is going your way. Then without it can all come crashing down around you and you discover that someone you care about has been arrested. Now you have to do whatever you can to rescue him from jail and get […]

Rescue the People You Care About At an Affordable Price

Some people will do whatever they can to help the people they care about. They will do anything they can to make sure that the people they love are safe and sound. This includes bailing their loved ones out of jail, no matter the price. What some people do not know, is that they do […]

Laguna Beach Bail Bonds – The Fastest Solution To Getting Out Of Jail

Sitting in jail makes time seem like it stops when really, only minutes have passed by. Wouldn’t you rather be at home? Well, the fastest solution to that: getting the help from an Laguna Beach Bail Bonds. The entire bail bond process will still take a few hours but that is standard, if not quicker […]

Most Common Bail Collateral Options

The answer to your bail bond monetary payment woes is collateral. Money is tight, bail is expensive, and frankly, you never thought you would need to pay it, right? That’s why offering collateral is also an option and it will be returned as long as the defendant shows up in court. Here are the most […]

Avoid These Mistakes When Posting Bail

When you’re getting out of jail on a bail bond, you want to make sure everything goes smoothly. You’ve hit enough bumps in your road to get where you are. Avoid these mistakes and your bail bond will post immediately with no trouble: Neglecting consequences of skipping bail.  You’re warned that if you don’t show […]

What To Do If You Believe Your Rights Have Been Violated

If you feel like your rights have been violated, you certainly have the right to investigate and file a complaint! The police are supposed to protect rights but occasionally they overstep their authority. If you believe this happened to you, know this: Write down everything you remember Take note of the officer’s name, badge, patrol […]

It’s Your Duty To Attend Jury Duty; It’s Our Duty To Help You Out Of Jail If You Don’t

If you’ve ever considered skipping jury duty, don’t. It’s a criminal offense to do so that could result in fines and jail time. It’s a part of your duty to help maintain and ensure justice. There could be a warrant out for you if you ignore your jury duties. If you would like to do […]

This Could Be The Most Valuable Lesson You Ever Learn

Have you ever thought about how critical “think before you speak” and “think before you act” can be? Growing up as a child you’re taught that but it never really dawn on you just how important this can be – it can be the one deciding factor that will prevent you from serious trouble: jail. […]

Undocumented Immigrants Have Rights Too

If you or someone you know is an undocumented immigrant, the worst fear is getting caught and deported. However, it doesn’t work like that (so easily). Undocumented immigrants do have certain rights and we at Santa Ana Bail Bonds want to help protect them. You can only be detained for up to 48 hours on […]