Category Archives: Tustin Bail Bonds

Why You Should Do Your Taxes Sooner Rather than Later

Why You Should Do Your Taxes Soon

The dreaded tax season is here. Hopefully you kept all of your receipts because getting your money back is the best thing out there. Unfortunately, we didn’t learn how to file taxes in school. If you were lucky, your parents were able to explain to you how taxes work. If not, you’ve had to rely […]

The Disappointing Reality of Shootings

The Disappointing Reality of Shootings

There are several universal laws that everyone should know, and typically follow. The problem with universal codes is that we assume everyone will follow those codes as well. Unfortunately, bad people do bad things. People break universal laws all the time, which is why we have services to help prevent this. If a law is […]

Want Someone Out of Jail in a Hurry?


Do you want to get a friend or family member out of jail in a hurry? Of course you do! Nobody wants someone they care about to suffer, and that’s all a loved one will be doing in jail. That is why you want to act quickly, and rescue your friend or family member from […]

Family Helps Family at Tustin Bail Bonds


The great thing about families, is that they are always there for one another. If one family member is in trouble, the rest of the family jumps into action to help out. This is why, when you found out that your cousin was arrested, your entire family offered to help bail her out. Just because […]

Need to Rescue a Loved One from Jail?


Do you need to bail a friend or family member out of jail? If so, you have come to the right place. Bail Bonds in Orange County has been helping the people of California rescue their loved ones from jail for the last 30 years. We have 3 decades of experience with bail bonds, let […]

Earthquake Awareness in California


Living in California, it is important to remember that earthquakes come with the territory. Earthquakes are a large part of living in this state. An earthquake can happen at any moment. It can either be very minor, or severely damaging. Due to this fact, it is important to always be prepared for an earthquake. However, […]

What to Do During an Earthquake


As residents of California, it is important for all of us to be prepared for an earthquake at any moment. After all, many of us live very close to the San Andreas Fault. Earthquakes can occur at any moment, and be truly devastating. This is why it is important that we all know what to […]

Think There Might Be a Warrant Out for Your Arrest?


Have you ever wondered if there is a warrant out for your arrest? If so, and you feel embarrassed that you do not know for sure, do not worry. This is actually far more common than people realize. Warrants get issued for peoples’ arrests all of the time. A warrant can be issued just because […]

You Want to Act Quickly


When you find out that a friend or family member has been arrested, you first instinct is to act quickly. After all, you want to get your loved one out of jail before they have spent too much time in jail. However, you do not want to move so quickly, that you get roped into […]

Do Not Be Afraid of Bail


The thought of needing to bail a loved one out of jail scares a lot of people. This is most commonly due to the fact that people do not want to imagine that their friends or family member could ever be arrested. Due to this fear, people are often terrified of needing to talk to […]