Category Archives: Tustin Bail Bonds

We Will Be Your Bail Allies


You never imagined that you would find yourself needing to post a family member’s bail, but here you are. You need to rescue your loved one from jail, but you have never really considered how to do that. Most people never really considered how bail works because they never wanted to imagine that someone they […]

Can a Bounty Hunter Arrest You?


A bounty hunter is someone who tracks down fugitives who have failed to meet the requirements of their bail contract. When a person is out on bail, they have to go to their assigned court dates and make the necessary payments to their bail agent on time. If the person fails to do this, then […]

Being Safe on Social Media


In the modern age, social media is a part of everyday life for most people. In fact, over 20% of time spent online is spent on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. People love having the ability to interact with friends at the tips of their fingers. Unfortunately, friends are not the only people […]

Help Your Loved One with a Bail Bond

Santa Ana Bail Bonds

Bail Your Loved One Out of Jail with Family Help from Santa Ana Bail Bonds You would do anything for your loved ones, and the people at Santa Ana Bail Bonds would do anything to help you. To talk to a bail agent, just call 714-973-2245. Sometimes, dealing with family can be difficult. It should […]

Wouldn’t It Be Great to Get a discount On a Bail Bond?

Santa Ana Bail Bonds

Santa Ana Bail Bonds Offers a Discount Everyone pretty much knows that bail bonds can be expensive, but did you know it is possible to get a discount? Call 714-973-2245 to find out more. Do you need to bail a friend or family member out of jail, but you fear you might not be able […]

Have Questions about Bail Bonds?

Santa Ana Bail Bonds

Get a Free Consultation at Santa Ana Bail Bonds There are so many questions when you find out a loved one gets arrested, you can have them answered for free by calling 714-973-2245. As you can imagine, when a friend or family member gets arrested, people tend to have a lot of questions. However, asking […]

You Always Want To Get Professional Help

Santa Ana Bail Bonds

Especially When Bailing Someone Out of Jail Do not settle for an inexperienced bail agent, talk to a professional by calling 714-973-2245. When you need to get your car fixed, do you take it to the first person you see? No, you take it to a professional who knows what he or she is doing. […]

Time Is Very Important

Santa Ana Bail Bonds

x Which Is Why Santa Ana Bail Bonds Is Available All of the Time Once you find out that a loved one has been arrested, you can call 714-973-2245 at any time for a free consultation. Have you ever noticed how things can never go wrong at the right time? Your car simply never breaks […]

CA Felon Voting Rights May Soon Change

Santa Ana Bail Bonds

Voting rights for some convicted felons in California could soon change – possibly. Currently in California, the law only allows convicted felons to vote only when they have been released from jail and completed parole; their voting rights are automatically restored upon completion. But now there’s a new bill (AB2466) that petitions to give felons […]

Just When You Think You Got Away

Santa Ana Bail Bonds

Just When You Think You Got Away One unpaid parking ticket – you think you can get away with it for awhile. They have way more important matters to follow up on instead of your ticket. This ideology will only go so far, if it has even gotten you anywhere to begin with. You may […]