Category Archives: Tustin Bail Bonds

Do Not Waste Time, Call Brea Bail Bonds Today

Bailing a loved one out of jail is all about time. The longer it takes you to pick a agent, the more time your friend or family member has to spend behind bars. On top of that, the longer your loved one is in jail, the harder it can become to him or her out. […]

Get Your Loved One the Bail Help He, or She, Needs and Deserves at Anaheim Bail Bonds

Every day, thousands of Californians are arrested, and none of them planned on going to jail. If you have a friend or family member who was recently arrested, you probably want to him or her out of jail. Get the help you need and deserve by talking to our amazing agents at Anaheim Bail Bonds. […]

Yes You Can Pay For Someone Else’s Bail Bond With Your Tax Return

Although the IRS will issue your tax return made to your name, you can absolutely use this money towards a bail bond payment for another person. Your tax return is really money that was originally yours – you had overpaid taxes during the year so now the IRS is finally returning that money to you. […]

What Happens If My Daughter Is Arrested?

Moms and dads, if you ever get the call that your daughter has been arrested, please contact us at Newport Beach Bail Bonds if she is eligible to bail out of jail. Juveniles (17 years or younger) do not bail out of jail. They will be released to their parents. Only adults are eligible for […]

When To Get Yourself Some Help

A person should never have to go through their deepest hardships alone, not matter what the situation is. For many people, this darkest time is when they have been arrested for a crime and thrown in jail. Now, they face trial, an unknown verdict (at this time), and an unknown future. They can avoid all […]

Anaheim Bail Bonds Stays On Top

Anything is supposed to get better with age (like wine!) and experience, right? Wrong. As much as we’d like to believe that the more experience someone has in something, anything, the better they’ll be, it’s simply not always true. Unfortunately, some people are incapable of meeting certain standards not only for their own personal expectations, […]

Your Reaction To A Loved One’s Arrest

There’s no predicting your reaction to hearing that a loved one has been arrested. Depending on the circumstance, the type of person they are, and how close you are to them, your reaction can be anywhere between shocked to angry to not even surprised. This would be your initial reaction. However how you handle the […]

Record Number Of Exonerations In 2015

Earlier this month, it was reported that in 2015, a record-breaking number of people were exonerated, meaning they were finally freed after serving time in prison for crimes they were wrongly convicted for. This record-breaking number counts to 149 people, who each spent an average of 15 whooping years. These people who have been robbed […]

Getting A Tax Return? Use It Towards Bail!

Even if you were recently arrested, you will still be eligible to receive your tax return as long as the IRS finds that you are due to receive one for paying extra taxes during the year. Your arrest will not jeopardize your qualification to receive your tax return. What your arrest will do, however, is […]