Tag Archives: bail bondsman in santa ana

Jail vs. Prison


When you read through different crimes and the respective punishments, you’ll likely notice that some carry a prison sentence while others carry a jail sentence. When you’re on the right side of the law, the distinction between the two doesn’t seem like a big deal, but that changes once you’ve been charged with a crime. […]

What Happens if I Ignore a Subpoena

What Happens if I Ignore a Subpoena

The great thing about the American legal system is that if you don’t want to talk to the police or testify at trial, you don’t have to. Sort of. This changes if you’re presented with a subpoena. What is a Subpoena Most of us are familiar with the word subpoena, but few of us know […]

Tips for Protecting Yourself From Fake News


The term fake news has been used a lot over the past four years. The good news is that hearing the term so often has made people stop and think about how much we take news stories for granted. Today, more than ever, we have come to understand that even the most trusted news sources […]

Drunk Driving on Halloween


It’s no secret that getting behind the wheel after you’ve been drinking is a bad idea, yet there are a few nights of the year where drivers leave their common sense at home and drive home after having one too many. Halloween is such a night. Why People Drink on Halloween Halloween is a festive […]

Is it Legal to Drive with Earbuds in California?


Bluetooth headphones that let us do everything from answer phone calls to listen to our favorite tunes were invented, it seems like we always have earphones inserted into our ears. It’s so easy to listen to your favorite music or audiobook while you’re getting ready to go and leave the earbuds in once your driving. […]

Hitchhiking in California


Signs warning drivers about the dangers of picking up hitchhikers litter the sides of California’s highways. Upon seeing these signs, most of us assume that we’re close to one of the state’s prisons and that cops are worried that a hitchhiker could be an escaped convict. Few of us know that the reason there are […]

The Long-Lasting Consequences of Drunk Driving in California


Like all other states, California has taken a hard stance on drunk driving. It isn’t tolerated. If you’re caught behind the wheel after having just a little too much to drink, you’ll face steep consequences that will have a major impact on the overall quality of your life. California’s Legal Limit California has different legal […]

Partying During a Pandemic


The pandemic has been running our lives since March. There isn’t a single aspect of life that it hasn’t impacted. Many of us have grown tired of all the restrictions the virus has placed on our lives and are starting to rebel against the shutdown lifestyle. Many of us are starting to look at the […]

The Reality of Prop. 25


The November third election is a big one for California voters. Not only do they have to decide which candidate they want in the Oval Office, but they also must decide if they want to vote for or against, Proposal 25. What is Proposal 25 The goal of Prop 25 is to end the current […]

Evading Police in California


Police chases might look exciting on television, but the reality is much different. Evading the police in California is dangerous, especially if the event takes place in a place that is heavily populated by either other drivers or pedestrians. Fleeing from the police, even if they only want to question you, can result in serious […]