Tag Archives: bailing a loved one

Posting Bail has Its Many Benefits

santa ana bail bonds

When someone is arrested for a crime, then they post bail, there are two thoughts on the situation. One thought comes from some strangers, “Great, a criminal back on the streets.” The second thought comes from family, and friends, “He or she can get some freedom back!” Whether you see the negativity or positivity in […]

Your Criminal Record Will Not Ruin Your Life

santa ana bail bonds

Come 2017, make it your goal to no longer be that friend who gets into all kinds of trouble with your best friend. Rather, make it your goal to be that friend who confronts the trouble-making best friend and gets him or her to settle down as well. There comes a time where taking illegal […]

Curious If You Are a Wanted Person?

santa ana bail bonds

Did you know that racking up unpaid parking tickets is reason enough for the police to issue a warrant for your arrest? It is very possible for arrest warrants to exist without the person being aware they are wanted. We hope you are not one of those people, but if you are curious, you can […]

Breaking Up with Bad Habits Is Hard To Do

santa ana bail bonds

Resolving to change your bad habits could sound like a silly resolution for 2017, but is it really? What kind of bad habits are you trying to break? What kind of trouble could you get into if you keep up with these bad habits? You can look at it this way; is it possible you […]

What Do I Do When Someone I Care About Is Arrested?

santa ana bail bonds

When someone you care about has been arrested, you undoubtedly want to help out. This means that you will probably want to bail your loved one out of jail. When it comes to bail, you have 2 options: You can pay a cash bail, which will be the full amount of your loved one’s bail. […]

How Much Does a Bail Bond Cost in California?

santa ana bail bonds

Are you looking to bail a friend or family member out of jail, but are worried about the cost? Do not fret, Santa Ana Bail Bonds can help you out. We have been making bail bonds cheap and affordable for Californians for the last 30 years. In California, all bail bonds start out as 10% […]

How Do I Choose a Bail Agent?

santa ana bail bonds

Choosing the right bail agent is a very important task, your loved one’s freedom hangs in the balance. So, how do you do it? It is not like they teach you how to do this in school. Luckily, Santa Ana Bail Bonds is here to help you. When looking at a bail agent, you need […]

Want a Discount On a Bail Bond

santa ana bail bonds

While bail bonds are much cheaper than paying for the bail itself, they can still be a little bit expensive for some people. That is why people like to look for the best deal that they can find. If you are looking to bail a friend or family member out of jail, then you would […]

Do You Know What a Co-Signer Is?

santa ana bail bonds

A co-signer is an important part of the bail bond process, so you should probably know what one is. A co-signer is someone who wants to bail their friend or family member out of jail. He or she will be signing the contract for the bail bond. What this means, is that the co-signer will […]

Make Sure You Can Trust Your Bail Agent

santa ana bail bonds

How to figure out if you can trust a bail agent. When it comes to spending a lot of money, you want to make sure it is money well spent. This is even truer when you want to bail a loved one out of jail. You want to make sure you can trust your bail […]