Tag Archives: cheap bail agents in cerritos

Do Not Forget – Your Parents will Always Support You

Cerritos Bail Bonds

18 is the minimum age to be sent to jail, arrested juveniles are released back to their parents, but there is never a maximum age to which you cannot rely on your parents’ help any longer. Even if in 20 years you are arrested for committing a crime, you can and should call up your […]

How You Might be able to Lower Bail for Your Loved One

Cerritos Bail Bonds

Did you know that you can help lower your loved one’s bail amount from say, $90,000 to $9,000? That is a 90% decrease and the way this can happen is if you consult with Cerritos Bail Bonds. Our bail bonds are much more affordable and flexible than cash bail. They cost 10% of the defendant’s […]