Tag Archives: criminal history

Do Not Let Your Criminal History Stop You

Santa Ana Bail Bonds

If you have a criminal history, it may seem like the odds are going to be stacked against you. Employers and landlords can look into your history, as can banks and universities. If they are comparing you against another qualified individual, then you think your criminal history will be the deciding factor. It may be, […]

The Approval Process For A Bail Bond

The approval process for a bail bond is simple. The judge is the one who grants or denies bail, but trust that he or she does not make this decision based on personal judgment. There is a bail schedule for every county that outlines the average bail price for each crime, from infractions to misdemeanors […]

How Long Do I Have Until I Can Post Bail?

As soon as you finish your bail hearing, you are free to post bail as quickly as possible. You cannot post bail anytime before your bail hearing because you will not know what amount you would have to pay. The judge at the bail hearing will tell you what your bail is. Your bail will […]