Tag Archives: family bail bonds santa ana

This Bail Was Set So High It Violated The 8th Amendment. Yet, The Court Granted It.

The 8th Amendment protects people from non-excessive bail. What exactly everyone agrees to be non-excessive is subjective, of course. However, there are extreme circumstances in which the court must take drastic action to prevent further injustices and incur proper consequences, beyond a bail amount a person can, but doesn’t have to, pay. Kim Freeman was […]

Tips And Tricks To Safe Barbecuing

Fire up the grill! Summer is all about barbecues and get-togethers. We all love a good afternoon and evening but we hate it when someone has to call 9-1-1 because of misuse of the grill. So to avoid that trouble and to ensure a good time from beginning to end, here are some quick grilling […]

Spend Your Summer With The Ones You Love Most

Summer is upon us once again and we bet you are already planning some great activities. What makes these activities fun and creates lasting memories is the company we are in, so be sure to include your best friends and family members. But, spending time with these people is more than just for the fun, […]

Santa Ana Bail Bonds Is There For You And Your Family 24/7

No matter what hour of the day it is, if you need a professional to help you and your family bail someone out of jail, Santa Ana Bail Bonds is the company you need to call. Santa Ana Bail Bonds has over 150 agents and representatives all around California who are available to assist you […]

“Not That I Necessarily Would, But I Can’t Do What In California?!” Crazy, Wacky California Laws That Just Don’t Make Sense

In Carmel, a man may not leave his house wearing a jacket and pants that do not match. If you want to walk an elephant down Market Street in San Francisco, the elephant must be on a leash. You’ll be fined for molesting butterflies in Pacific Grove. You can’t play baseball (the all-American sport) in […]

Santa Ana Bail Bonds Can Help You Avoid Debt

Would you rather pay $100,000 in one payment or $10,000 in ten payments? The answer is obvious: the latter. You would be less likely to fall into debt, more likely be able to meet all ten payments comfortably. In this way, Santa Ana Bail Bonds can help you avoid debt. As far as the bail […]

Now There Is A Team Dedicated To Finding The Innocent – After They Were Found Guilty

Most of the time, the law does not fail: those found guilty of crimes were actually guilty. Sometimes though, innocent people are found guilty and are thrown into prison, wrongfully. Now, there is a new team to focus on wrongful convictions. This team will work when new evidence is brought to light, or mistakes and […]

So, These Are REAL California Laws?

We don’t know exactly why these laws were ever laid out, and we don’t know why the government won’t officially remove them. But what we do know is that these are some of the dumbest, oldest laws in California that you could technically get in trouble for: It’s illegal to play a trumpet to bring […]

Doing These Can Make Your Wait In Jail Longer

Obviously, everyone wants to get out of jail as quickly as they can. Your release is partially dependent on you, so it is important to make your bail bond process go as smoothly and seamlessly as possible on your end. Doing these can make your wait in jail longer: Choosing an unreliable bail company. Not […]

What Not To Do When You See Your Friend Getting Arrested

Say you’re with a friend. Something happens and the cops are suddenly a part of the situation. Your friend is put in handcuffs. Seeing this angers you because you know your friend is innocent. But, what you don’t want to do is express your anger too passionately because this can result in your arrest as […]