Tag Archives: fast release bail bonds in garden grove

Smoking in Your Car


Strictly speaking, you’re not prohibited from smoking cigarettes or vaping tobacco in your car. That doesn’t mean it’s a great idea. The biggest issue connected to smoking while driving is the risk of you having a distracted moment. Even though it probably only takes you a split second to light your cigarette, that’s a second […]

Selling Fireworks to a Minor in California


California lawmakers aren’t thrilled about fireworks and have created laws to restrict their use. The reason such tight fireworks laws exist in California stems from a few underlying concerns that include: Worry about wildfires Safety concerns Trying to keep noises down out of respect to those who can’t handle flashing lights and a great deal […]

Smash n Grab Robberies


A type of robbery that has been dubbed smash n grab has started to plaque the United States, but it has become especially common in California. In November 2021 witnesses became alarmed when they noticed a large group of about 40 to 50 people swarm into a Bay Area mall. Members of the mob were […]