Tag Archives: friend has been arrested

California’s Plastic Bag Ban

santa ana bail bonds

If you are like many other Californians, you are probably still trying to train yourself to bring reusable bags to the store when you get groceries. It has been a bit of a struggle, but admittedly a small one to help the environment. The state of California recently banned stores from using single use plastic […]

Benefits of Posting Bail

santa ana bail bonds

When you learn about a loved one’s arrest, it can feel like disaster is in the air. You might think that there is nothing you could possibly do to help, but you would be wrong. You help by posting your friend or family member’s bail. By posting your loved one’s bail, you are enabling him […]

About the Bail Reform Legislation

santa ana bail bonds

Bail is when a defendant, who has been charged with a crime but has not yet been found innocent or guilty through their trial, pays a certain amount of money to be released from jail. This allows the person to return home to live and engage in an otherwise normal routine like going to work […]

The Legality of Recording and Posting Crimes Online

santa ana bail bonds

It is one thing for a bystander to record an incident where a police officer is interacting, physically or peacefully, with another civilian, but it is another thing when a bystander records an incident where one or more other civilians are getting physical with another victim, and there are no authority figures in sight. In […]