Tag Archives: fullerton bail bond news

Leave it to the Teams to Fight for a Win, Not the Fans

Fullerton Bail Bonds

Sports games are supposed to be fun and exciting to watch. You root for your team to win and boo the other team. You go with friends and family to have a great time. So why do some people have to go and ruin the experience by getting into fights with other spectators? Most games […]

Do Not Let a Bad Day Ruin Your Entire Life

Fullerton Bail Bonds

It is so easy to give good advice, but somehow it is difficult to take that same advice and apply it to our own lives. You tell a friend to not let one bad day ruin their entire life, but now you are having a bad day and cannot help but think it is going […]

You Are Not Just another Number

Fullerton Bail Bonds

You Should Be Treated Like a Person You are a real person, and be treated like one. Contact Fullerton Bail Bonds at 714-973-2245 to talk to a bail agent who will treat you like a real person. It should not be hard to remember that you are a person since it is pretty obvious. However, […]

Do Not Settle for Ordinary Bail Help, Choose Extraordinary

Do not settle for amateur help when you need a loved one to be bail, only choose the best help that you can get. When you call Fullerton Bail Bonds, you will receive help from a trained bail bondsman that has been helping the people of California for years. Our bail agents are some of […]

Fullerton Bail Bonds| Sometimes, the child needs to become the parent to encourage change.

It can be tough having to face a harsher reality than one ever imagined. Avoiding a situation, a confrontation, or a regretful acceptance can be painful and undesired but if it is necessary, it’s better to do it with a heavy heart than not do it at all, especially if it means saving someone’s life. […]

Fullerton Bail Bonds| An employer asking for your criminal record does not automatically mean you are in trouble! Here is how you should handle the situation

Criminals “pay” for their punishment by serving out a sentence, whether it’s jail time, community service, and/ or more. But as much as you’d think punishment ends when you are released, it doesn’t! Not only do you leave with emotional strain, but you leave also with a mark on your permanent record that can and […]

Fullerton Bail Bonds| A parent’s #1 job is to be the best role model for their child

Children grow up admiring their parents as the perfect people they want to embody when they are older. That is the human life cycle – to nurture children and teach them how to be well-rounded when they become adults. That’s why for parents, their number 1 job is to be the best role model they […]

Fullerton Bail Bonds| Your tax return can help pay off bail!

Still need funds or collateral to pay for bail? Spring is approaching, meaning tax refunds will be flowing in! You can use this extra money to help pay for bail! While not the most ideal use of this money, it will certainly help ease the situation and stress. You already know bail is expensive to […]

Fullerton Bail Bonds| Can I use my tax return for bail?

The answer is yes! Whether your tax refund is a small amount or a lovely sum, you may use some or all of it to help bail your loved one out of jail. We know you’d rather spend or save this money for something else, and we know you’d rather not have to be bailing […]

Orange County May Lose Millions for Jailing Illegal Immigrants

President Barack Obama’s plan to redirect federal funds to the southwest border could mean Orange County stands to lose nearly $6.5 million in funds to house illegal immigrants with criminal convictions – while the state could lose $110 million. Local and state officials have joined members of Congress who are up in arms about Obama’s […]