Tag Archives: How Bail Works

Is Your Car Ready for Summer?

santa ana bail bonds

No one wants to get stranded on the side of the road because their car broke down. This is especially true when things start to warm up in summer. Being stranded during the heat of summer can be truly miserable. That is why it is important to take care of your vehicle, and make sure […]

When Should the Party End?

santa ana bail bonds

Have you heard of the proposed bill by Senator Scott Weiner from San Francisco that would allow bars to stay open later? State Bill 384, which is referred to as “Let Our Communities Adjust Late Night” or LOCAL Act for short, will allow communities to adjust how late restaurants and bars can serve alcohol. Under […]

Knowing Weird Laws Can Be a Benefit

santa ana bail bonds

Did you know that in California, women may not drive in a housecoat, or that no vehicle without a driver may exceed 60 miles per hour? We are not pulling your leg. These are real laws that are still written in California’s law books. They are not the only weird, odd, peculiar laws this state […]

You Prepared for a Loved One’s Arrest?

santa ana bail bonds

Have you ever considered what you would do if one of your friends or family members got arrested? If you are like most people, you probably have not. Most people never think that a loved one could get arrested. Unfortunately, thousands of people are arrested daily in California, and chances are they were not prepared […]

Your Routine Get Interrupted?

santa ana bail bonds

Many people out there have a certain flow that they follow from day to day. This routine of theirs keeps them happy and content. They don’t often very from it. When they do, they begin to feel like everything is falling apart. This gets even worse if they are arrested. In this scenario, their whole […]

How Bail Works at Santa Ana Bail Bonds

Santa Ana Bail Bonds of Orange County offers bail bond service to Orange County and the surrounding areas of the state of California. Our bail bondsmen provide quick, efficient service to make the process of securing a loved one’s release as painless as possible. Bail occurs when a judge ends the incarceration of an individual […]

How Bail Works

When someone is arrested on a bailable offense and bail is set, the defendant can forfeit his/her right to see a judge within 72 hours of arrest (weekends and holidays excluded) and bail out. This is done most commonly using one of two methods: The defendant or someone other than the defendant will post cash […]