Tag Archives: santa ana bail agents

Know This Before Co-Signing A Bail Bond

Co-signing a bail bond is a huge responsibility and liability. You’re essentially assuming the consequences if the defendant does not make his or her payments, skips court or possibly violate other terms of release that are dependent on the bail bond. We know you desperately just want to co-sign the bail bond because you’re sympathetic […]

It’s Okay To Ask For Parenting Help

If you think your child needs more help than you are able or knowledgeable of to provide, do not hesitate to call for third party help, be it from another family member, a friend or a professional. You want the best for your child and you want to help them in every way possible, but […]

Sometimes Boredom Can Get You In Trouble, Don’t Let That Happen

Sometimes when you are bored you can be convinced by friends to do something you think may be “fun” and in rare instances these “fun” acts can get you into a lot of trouble. Luckily for you, you can find a friend in one of our bail agents at Santa Ana Bail Bonds. Our bail […]

Santa Ana Bail Bonds Will Always Treat You With Respect

Bailing someone out of jail can be a tough situation if you do not know what to do. Some bail bond companies would lie and scare their clients so they can take more money from you. At Santa Ana Bail Bonds we believe in honesty and integrity and we always treat our clients with respect. […]

Use Social Media To Find The Right Bail Bond Company

Finding the right bail bond company that will meet your needs can be stressful – and you’re already stressed at the prospect of this situation! You can ask friends or family around for a recommendation but chances are slim – they themselves most likely have never had to get help from a bail company. But […]

Not Only Do We Make Bailing A Love One Out Of Jail Easy, We Also Make It Affordable

Over the years Santa Ana Bail Bonds has grown to become one of the most trusted bail bonds companies in California. For a company to be around for 28 years like us, they have to be good. We hire only the best bail agents to help our clients, but we don’t stop there. Every year […]

4 Steps To Bail A Love One Out Of Jail

We at Santa Ana Bail Bonds know how difficult and intimidating bailing a friend or family member out of jail can be. Most people are not prepared to bail someone they care about out of jail and so they may feel lost. To help our clients out, we’ve simplified the bail process down to four […]

What To Do If You Believe Your Rights Have Been Violated

If you feel like your rights have been violated, you certainly have the right to investigate and file a complaint! The police are supposed to protect rights but occasionally they overstep their authority. If you believe this happened to you, know this: Write down everything you remember Take note of the officer’s name, badge, patrol […]

It’s Your Duty To Attend Jury Duty; It’s Our Duty To Help You Out Of Jail If You Don’t

If you’ve ever considered skipping jury duty, don’t. It’s a criminal offense to do so that could result in fines and jail time. It’s a part of your duty to help maintain and ensure justice. There could be a warrant out for you if you ignore your jury duties. If you would like to do […]

This Could Be The Most Valuable Lesson You Ever Learn

Have you ever thought about how critical “think before you speak” and “think before you act” can be? Growing up as a child you’re taught that but it never really dawn on you just how important this can be – it can be the one deciding factor that will prevent you from serious trouble: jail. […]