Tag Archives: santa ana bail bonds

What Is Proposition 47 In California?


The purpose of the proposed Proposition 47 is to make some changes to felony sentencing laws. Proposition 47 officially became law in 2014. At the time it had the distinction of being one of the biggest changes to laws to alter the ability for convicted felons to receive housing, admittance into the workforce, and other […]

Protect Your Keyless Car from Thieves


Keyless cars are great, particularly when you’re trying to hang onto things like multiple bags of groceries, cranky toddlers, and hyper pets while you open your car. Rather than wrestling with a key and a tiny keyhole each time you need to unlock your car, all you have to do is push a button. Easy […]

Learning How to Be Aware of Your Surroundings


In this day and age, you can’t afford to not be aware of your surroundings. It doesn’t matter if you’re strolling around the block near your home or walking across a busy parking lot after getting groceries, you must be aware of your surroundings. The world has become a dangerous place. Not only do you […]

What Is Insider Trading? When Is Insider Trading Illegal?


Insider trading is a strange thing that many people who aren’t actively involved in stock trading and investing fail to fully understand. The average person doesn’t usually have to worry about insider trading simply because they lack the knowledge needed to benefit from it. The idea behind insider trading is that someone who has a […]

Bring Your Loved One Home in Time for Thanksgiving


If people really took the time to ponder all that they have to be thankful for, they would realize that the list does not end. Everything and everyone, big or small, is something that person can be grateful for. Maybe this year there is one that trumps all the others. It will have a unique […]

What is a Bail Bond?


Bail is a monetary amount a judge decides is a fair amount of money to secure your release from jail. The idea is that the amount should be high enough that it convinces you to return to court for all of your mandatory appearances. At the conclusion of your case, the money will be returned […]

What Type of Travel Restrictions Are Connected to Bail


When you go to an arraignment, one of the things that’s discussed is bail. Not only does the judge determine if you’ll be granted bail, but they also decide how high the bail is and what restrictions will be connected to the bail.  Surprisingly, many people find that the restrictions are more challenging than raising […]

Reasons You Should Get a Bail Bond


When you are granted bail, you have two options. The first option is to post the entire amount and bail yourself out of jail. Your second option is to contact Santa Ana Bail Bonds and inquire about getting a bail bond. There are a few compelling reasons you should consider the second option. You’ll Keep Money […]

Common Bail Conditions


Many people assume that money is the only thing connected to bail, but that’s not always the case. While it’s true that you won’t be released from jail until you have either posted your own bail or arranged for a bail bond, it’s not uncommon for a judge to add conditions to the bail. The […]

Your Favorite Person Needs Bail in Santa Ana. How Can You Help?


You just learned that one of your favorite people has been arrested and needs bail. You want to help them out, but you’re not sure what you can do. The first thing you should do is try to contact them. This isn’t always easy since they are in jail. If you aren’t able to reach […]