By R. SCOTT MOXLEY , OC Weekly Despite competing tasks, Orange County prosecutors and public defenders routinely engage in cordial backslapping. They’ll chat about their personal lives, tell jokes and share lawyerly gossip during court breaks. Defendants sometimes wonder if that coziness means the trial that left them convicted wasn’t genuinely adversarial. But a huge, […]
Tag Archives: santa ana bail news
By Matt Coker OCWeekly A plan by Orange County Sheriff Sandra Hutchens to relieve jail overcrowding by sending some felons home with electronic monitoring devices received a lack of support from the county Board of Supervisors this week. The sheriff’s department, which already uses home monitoring for some misdemeanor offenders, hopes to do the same […]
By R. Scott Moxley (OCWeekly) Orange County’s suburban juries are often dominated by unswerving, pro-cop biases, so District Attorney Tony Rackauckas had to be careful today when he asked a panel of eight women and four men to use “common sense” and hold two Fullerton police officers criminally liable for the 2011 beating death of […]
By Matt Coker (OC Weekly) Irvine Police detectives are dealing with an unusual case: a kidnapping where two men impersonated police officers and threatened a local resident with arrest if he did not pay back taxes via a Green Dot MoneyPak cash card. Meanwhile, Anaheim Police are dealing with scammers posing as Public Utilities representatives […]
By R. Scott Moxley OC Weekly Tony Rackauckas’ Orange County District Attorney’s office didn’t just battle two feisty defense lawyers yesterday during opening statements in a case against two former Fullerton cops accused of wrongly beating a homeless man to death in 2011. Behind the scenes, Rackauckas’ office clashed with The Radio & Television News […]
By Gabriel San Roman OC Weekly Last night, Santa Ana Police Department (SAPD) Commander Tammy Franks and Assistant District Attorney Tracy Rinauro talked to a community gathering about the city’s sole gang injunction: the one affecting Santa Nita street gang, enacted in 2006. But residents and community groups didn’t gather to debate the merits of […]