Tag Archives: tustin bail bond process

Awkward Conversations Before Spring Break Begins

Tustin Bail Bonds

When you hear Spring Break you think of one thing: your college kid going out each day to the beach with alcohol, and then hitting the club at night with alcohol. The scenery may differ but there is always alcohol, your kid’s friends, who you may or may not know, and more college-aged kids who […]

Tustin Bail Bonds Bail Agents Are Always Available To Help Their Clients, No Matter What Time It May Be

Tustin Bail Bonds

You do not have to panic if a friend or family member gets arrested anywhere in California. At Tustin Bail Bonds, we have trained bail agents ready and waiting to help those who need it, when they need it most. When you have a skilled and talented bail bondsmen ready to help you, there is […]

Tustin Bail Bonds Will Help You Get Your Friend Out of Jail in No Time at All

Tustin Bail Bonds

Bad things can happen to someone you care about at any time, without warning. One moment your friend is out having a good time, and the next, he or she is getting arrested. He or she then calls you for help and you promise you will get him or her out of jail. You call […]

Get the Bail Help You Need, Exactly When You Need It with Tustin Bail Bonds

Tustin Bail Bonds

When you need to bail a friend or family member out of jail, you will want to do so quickly. You do not have time to wait around for a bail bond company to open, or wait to make an appointment. You need to get your loved one out of jail yesterday. You need a […]

Tustin Bail Bonds is the Best Bail Bonds Company in All of California

Tustin Bail Bonds is the Best Bail Bonds Company in All of California

When you need to rescue a friend or family member from jail, you want to use the best bail bonds company around. You want a bail company that knows how to take excellent care of its clients. At Tustin Bail Bonds, taking care of our clients is our number one priority, and it shows. We […]

Tustin Bail Bonds Will Help You Solve Your Loved One’s Jail Problem

Do you need to rescue a friend or family member out of jail? If so, you want a professional bail agent who is not only available all over the state of California at any time, but will actually care about helping you. You need to find the perfect middle ground between a large corporation, and […]

How Can I Lower My Bail?

“$50,000 bail?! Is there anything I can do to lower that amount?” You probably won’t like the answer to that question because the chances of getting bail lowered are extremely thin. The only person who can lower the bail is the judge, who had already set the bail at a “reasonable price” as outlined in […]

Tustin Bail Bonds Will Help You Rescue Your Friend from Jail

Everyone loves to hang out with friends and have a good time, but everyone has that one friend. The one friend that does not know when to quit and gets into monumental trouble. If this friend is ever arrested, you would want to help him or her in any way you could because, you are […]

Who Says You Cannot Help Your Loved One? Call Tustin Bail Bonds

Who says that you cannot rescue your friend or family member from jail? Some bail bonds companies require their clients to have perfect credit to be able to bail out their loved ones. If you do not meet their requirements, then they refuse to work with you. That is not the case, however, at Tustin […]

We Make Bail an Affordable Option at Tustin Bail Bonds

No one ever wakes up and decides they want to go out and get arrested, yet thousands of people are arrested daily in California. Since no one planned on getting arrested, they are not prepared for the financial burden of getting bailed out. Most people will simply assume they cannot afford to bail their friend […]