Category Archives: Santa Ana Bail Bonds Articles

The Long History of Bail


Bail is pretty well known of in today’s world. Most people grasp the concept of bail and how it works. It might come as a surprise to some people to learn that bail did not always work the way it does today. The earliest evidence of bail can be traced back to Medieval England, around […]

What Is Own Recognizance?

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When it comes to bail, there are plenty of terms out there that people do not that many people want to know about is: own recognizance release. Some people have heard rumors that OR release is a way to bail out of jail without paying. Those rumors would be correct, but it is not […]

What to Expect During the Booking Process


When someone is arrested, they have to put into the system, or booked. This is basically where the person’s information is taken down and put into the police system. While this may sound like a simple process, it can take several hours to complete. After all, thousands of people are arrested daily, which means the […]

Can a Bounty Hunter Arrest You?


A bounty hunter is someone who tracks down fugitives who have failed to meet the requirements of their bail contract. When a person is out on bail, they have to go to their assigned court dates and make the necessary payments to their bail agent on time. If the person fails to do this, then […]

Being Safe on Social Media


In the modern age, social media is a part of everyday life for most people. In fact, over 20% of time spent online is spent on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. People love having the ability to interact with friends at the tips of their fingers. Unfortunately, friends are not the only people […]

Driving with a Cell Phone in California


In California, the laws about using a phone while driving were pretty limited in the past. It used to be, that the law only prohibited the using a device to read, write, or send text based communications. This failed to cover using a phone for any other purpose, which as many of us know, smart […]

How Bail can Affect Credit Score

It is no secret that posting bail costs quite a bit of money, even with a bail bond, because it can still be thousands of dollars. Most people who need to pay for something this expensive will typically do so using a credit card because it is the fastest and most secure way to do […]

You can Be Fined for Crossing the Street During the Countdown


Believe it or not, a person is violating the law if they cross the street in the intersection when the hand is flashing with a countdown. Many Californians do not realize, or they forget, that it is actually illegal. They believe that they merely have that countdown left to get across the street safely. Actually, […]

The Dangers of Hot Water and Online Stunts


Once again, another shocking trend is making its way across the internet and it has very serious results. The Hot Water Challenge, as it has been dubbed, involves pouring boiling water on an unsuspecting person. It is very dangerous and has led to the death of an eight year old. This is a reminder for […]

What Happens When You Post Bad Things on Social Media


Another day, another story about someone posting incriminating content on social media. A few weeks ago, two Massachusetts teenage girls put an 8 month old baby, whom they were babysitting, in a refrigerator, closed the door, and laughed. The girls recorded their actions and posted the video on Snapchat, a popular social media app that […]