Category Archives: Santa Ana Local News

Is It Time for Last Call?

when is last call

  California lawmakers have recently passed a bill that if signed by Governor Jerry Brown, would allow certain cities to extend how late alcohol could be served. The bill in question is Senate Bill (SB) 905. The bill was passed at the end of August and now awaits either the Governor’s veto or signature. The […]

More Reckless Driving in Southern California

reckless driving in california

  Reckless driving comes in many forms. Most people think of speeding and swerving through traffic, and they are not wrong. However, there are other dangerous forms of reckless driving, some of which are on the rise in Southern California. The culprits of these crimes may only be concerned with having a bit of fun, […]

Should Cellphones be Banned by Law in Schools?

cellphone laws in schools

  Times have definitely changed since many of us were kids. Back when most of us adults were in school, the only thing teachers had to worry about were calculators. Nowadays, students walk around with cellphones that can do infinitely more than a calculator ever could. And, we were told we wouldn’t be carrying a […]

Should You Have Insurance?


  When you grow up, you start to realize all the things you weren’t taught about in school. For example insurance. All insurance, auto, house, and life, are all big giant mysteries. Don’t worry about feeling like you’re the only one who doesn’t understand how it works, a lot of people don’t. We don’t learn […]

California Limits Plastic Straws

plastic straw laws in California

    A few years ago, the citizens of California voted to ban single-use plastic straws. At the time, the change was very controversial with many opponents of the bill upset at the loss of the flimsy plastic items. However, as time moved on, people adapted and got used to the new change. The success […]

What Happens If Your Dog Bites Someone

controlling your dog

  Just about everyone enjoys having a bit of companionship. One of the great ways to do this is by acquiring a pet. However, owning a pet isn’t easy. As a pet owner, a person is responsible for keeping the animal alive, safe, and in healthy condition. It is a big responsibility that is not […]

Does a Scammer Have Your Password?

how to avoid scammers

  The internet gives people access to a lot of useful and helpful information. However, if a person is not careful, they can inadvertently give someone out there access to their own personal information. There are dozens of scams out there that people use in an attempt to gain a victims personal information. While many […]

How to Keep Your Home Safe

keeping your home safe

    In an article written by Matthew Wilson for Property Guard Master, Wilson cites that in the United States alone there is a home intrusion every thirteen seconds. Furthermore, there are an astounding 2.5 million home burglaries reported each year. Of those 2.5 million home burglaries, 60% of them happen between the hours of […]

At What Age Can Your Child Walk to School Alone?

walking to school alone

  One of the great things about living close to your child’s school is that your kids can walk rather than ride the bus. The problem many parents face is knowing how old their kids should be before allowing this to happen. A new federal law, Every Student Succeeds Act, means you no longer have […]

Is Your House Being Watched by Burglars?

is your house being watched

  There are various stereotypes that surround the idea of someone breaking into your home. It could be that a masked stranger breaks into your home in the middle of the night and steals your personal belongings while you sleep. It could also be that the burglar wears all black and sneakily climbs through a […]