Tag Archives: irvine inmates location

Bail Bond Contingencies

irvine bail bonds

While bail bonds offer more flexibility and are more affordable than cash bail, there are a few extra contingencies attached to bail bonds than cash bail. With cash bail, the defendant has to stay out of trouble, show up for court, and if applicable, obey curfew, travel restrictions, restraining orders, or attend classes. With bail […]

How Can I Pay for Bail?

irvine bail bonds

Think of all the ways you can pay for something: cash, credit, debit, or checks. That is plenty of options to pay for a piece of clothing, or for a bail bond. A bail bond is used to get a defendant out of jail pre-trial. Bail bonds are more accommodating than cash bail for their […]

Forget What You Heard About Bail Bonds

Irvine Bail Bonds

When there is so much chatter that goes around, something is bound to get lost in translation. It does not help when the chatter is about something that most people do not think they will ever have to be involved with; arrest and bail. Naturally, when they are suddenly thrown this curveball in life, their […]

Most Common Bail Collateral Options

The answer to your bail bond monetary payment woes is collateral. Money is tight, bail is expensive, and frankly, you never thought you would need to pay it, right? That’s why offering collateral is also an option and it will be returned as long as the defendant shows up in court. Here are the most […]

Irvine Bail Bonds Will Be There For You During Your Difficult Time

Getting arrested can be a terrifying experience. No one wants to sit handcuffed in the back of a police car, on their way to jail. No matter how short the drive really is, it could be one of the longest rides of your life. Worst of all, after the ride in the police car, you […]

Don’t Let Jail Time Get In The Way Of Your Summer Fun

Summer is here and summertime is fun times for a lot of people. It is a time for relaxing and not worrying about work or problems. Just remember to enjoy your summer responsibly and in case you do run into trouble with the law, Irvine Bail Bonds will be there for you. We have been […]

Bail Is Expensive, But Worth Paying For

Needing to bail a loved one out of jail may bring all types of emotions. You’re relieved your loved one is alive but you’re angry with them for the trouble. You’re disappointed in them yet hopeful this does not occur again. You think they deserve punishment and maybe jail time IS a good wakeup call […]

Irvine Bail Bonds| A parent’s #1 job is to be the best role model for their child

Children grow up admiring their parents as the perfect people they want to embody when they are older. That is the human life cycle – to nurture children and teach them how to be well-rounded when they become adults. That’s why for parents, their number 1 job is to be the best role model they […]

Irvine Bail Bonds| Sometimes, the child needs to become the parent to encourage change.

It can be tough having to face a harsher reality than one ever imagined. Avoiding a situation, a confrontation, or a regretful acceptance can be painful and undesired but if it is necessary, it’s better to do it with a heavy heart than not do it at all, especially if it means saving someone’s life. […]

Irvine Bail Bonds| An employer asking for your criminal record does not automatically mean you are in trouble! Here is how you should handle the situation

Criminals “pay” for their punishment by serving out a sentence, whether it’s jail time, community service, and/ or more. But as much as you’d think punishment ends when you are released, it doesn’t! Not only do you leave with emotional strain, but you leave also with a mark on your permanent record that can and […]