Category Archives: Bail Bonds News

Latest news and articles about bail bonds and the latest law about bailing your loveone

What is Probation Anyways?

what is probation

No one likes getting in trouble. We were all kids once, and experienced the feeling of disappointment from a parent. Then you try to move on, but you siblings or friends like to remind you of that one mistake you made 5 years ago. That makes it worse. Being reminded constantly of the mistake doesn’t […]

Handicap Parking Laws

handicap parking laws in california

We all know the struggle of trying to find the perfect parking spot. During the summer months, it seems near impossible to find a good spot. The best spot are usually reserved for drivers with handicaps, and even then there are few of the spots still. It may be tempting to just park in a […]

Get Your Paws Out of the Heat

walking your pet in summer

We love taking our furry friends out for walks and they love it when we take them places. It’s fun to take them places, and watch the get all excited to explore and meet new people. California is currently heating up with the approach of summer and as responsible pet owners, we need to be […]

Consequence of Driving with a Suspended License

driving with suspended license

Having a driver’s license makes life considerably easier and in some parts of California, the ability to drive is a key component of survival since there’s no form of public transportation. However, there are times when the State of California can decide to suspend your license. How a Driver’s License Becomes Suspended It’s a great […]

Snakes Aren’t toys, They Are Dangerous

snake dangers

With every positive, there always seems to be a downside. California has beaches, sunshine, and great views. However, California also has snakes, earthquakes, and the occasional summer temperature rising above 100. If these cons to living in California stress you out, take a hike out on one the hundreds of trails California has to offer […]

Cycling in Los Angeles: Rules of the Road

cycling laws in california

Not only does using a bicycle mean decrease the carbon footprint you leave during your daily commute, most people find that riding a bike is often an easier and faster way to commute in Los Angeles. As a cyclist, there are a few rules you should be aware of before you jump on your bike […]

California’s View on Golf Carts and Alcohol

golf cart dui

All of us know that alcohol and driving a car/pickup truck/motorcycle don’t mix. In order to avoid getting a DUI some people decide that rather than drive their car to the local bar or party, they’ll take a golf cart instead. They figure that since you don’t need a driver’s license to operate a golf […]

Legal Gambling Options in California

california gambling laws

The office football pool and the friendly weekly game of poker you indulge in might not seem like a big deal to you, but if you’re caught, you could find yourself on the wrong side of California’s legal system. While gambling is legal in the state, California lawmakers have created some pretty specific rules limiting […]

California’s Views on Child Custody


California family court doesn’t care if whether you married the person you share a child (or children) with, the court’s first concern is setting up a formal situation that allows the child to spend time with both parents. Ideally you and your co-parent are still on good enough terms that you’re able to sit down […]

Camping in California

When you travel the U.S., you get to experience what each state has to offer. You also have to be aware of the laws in each state since not all of the states are the same. While you’re traveling through California, you may feel like camping out instead of stopping at a hotel. This is […]