Category Archives: Bail Bonds News

Latest news and articles about bail bonds and the latest law about bailing your loveone

What Exactly Is Bail?


This is a question that many people have. Most people have heard of it, and many have seen it on TV, but they still do not have a very good idea of what bail is. Even on TV, bail is often toned down or glossed over so that the show can focus on the story […]

Determining the Credibility of an Online Source


Anyone who has had plenty of experience knows that any information they find online needs to be taken with a grain of salt. This is due to the fact that anyone can say whatever they want online, whether it is true or not. This is why it is important to learn how to determine if […]

What is an Infraction?


If you have ever had a run in with the law, or just watch a lot of television, you have probably heard the term infraction before. You might have wondered what it meant since it was not explained very well. While an infraction might sound scary and intimidating, it is actually far lees troublesome than […]

How Bail can Affect Credit Score

It is no secret that posting bail costs quite a bit of money, even with a bail bond, because it can still be thousands of dollars. Most people who need to pay for something this expensive will typically do so using a credit card because it is the fastest and most secure way to do […]

The Dangers of Hot Water and Online Stunts


Once again, another shocking trend is making its way across the internet and it has very serious results. The Hot Water Challenge, as it has been dubbed, involves pouring boiling water on an unsuspecting person. It is very dangerous and has led to the death of an eight year old. This is a reminder for […]

What Happens When You Post Bad Things on Social Media


Another day, another story about someone posting incriminating content on social media. A few weeks ago, two Massachusetts teenage girls put an 8 month old baby, whom they were babysitting, in a refrigerator, closed the door, and laughed. The girls recorded their actions and posted the video on Snapchat, a popular social media app that […]

Cyber-bullying is a Crime in California


In California, cyber-bullying is a crime that is defined by a victim being specifically targeted, harassed, annoyed, or intimidated through electronic communications such as text messages or through social media. Cyber-bullying is taken seriously, whether it was a joke or not, because the situation can end with serious consequences. Two common types of cyber-bullying. One […]

It is Illegal to Not Disclose Certain Health Information to Sexual Partners


As singer Usher is learning the hard way, it is a crime to fail to let your sexual partner or partners know that you have an STD before engaging in sexual contact. Usher is now facing a lawsuit because of his neglect. It is unfortunate for him, but hopefully many others, probably who follow celebrity […]

When Social Media Pranks Turn Into Crimes


Do not be surprised if you post incriminating content on your social media and then a few days later, the police come knocking at your door. Social media is no longer just about exchanging memories and connecting with friends. It is now also about business, politics, and even fighting crime. If something suspicious pops up […]

California’s Plastic Bag Ban

santa ana bail bonds

If you are like many other Californians, you are probably still trying to train yourself to bring reusable bags to the store when you get groceries. It has been a bit of a struggle, but admittedly a small one to help the environment. The state of California recently banned stores from using single use plastic […]