Tag Archives: santa ana bail bonds

Keep Your Job with a Bail Bond

santa ana bail bonds

Bills don’t stop coming just because you’ve been arrested. Even though you’re in jail and facing criminal charges, it doesn’t mean you’re landlord doesn’t want their monthly rent, that the bank will forgive your car loan, or that your other bills will simply disappear. What it could mean is that you’ll lose your home, car, […]

What Happens In the Immediate Hours Following an Arrest?

santa ana bail bonds

What happens in the immediate hours following an arrest is what is called the booking process. This is when your official arrest record is updated. The booking process sounds like a quick 10-minute procedure but it can really take quite a while depending on the number of people being booked and the number of officers […]

How do Statutes of Limitations Work in California?

orange county bail bonds

Investopedia defines statute of limitation as: “a law that sets the maximum amount of time that parties involved in a dispute have to initiate legal proceedings from the date of an alleged offense, whether civil or criminal. The length of time the statute allows for a victim to bring legal action against the suspected wrong-doer […]

4 Things Police Look for When Searching for Drunk Drivers in California

santa ana bail bonds

Most of us have been there at least once in our lives. Even though we were perfectly sober at the time, the police pulled us over for a seemingly silly reason. The reason the police do this is that they have been trained to recognize these relatively minor driving issues as signs that the driver […]

The California Privacy Rights Act is Coming

santa ana bail bonds

On January 1, 2023, the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) becomes fully effective. This could change things for some California businesses.  The CPRA was originally passed by popular vote in 2021. More than 56% of the voters who took part in the November election were in favor of the new law. Concerns about privacy, identity […]

Driving Without Auto Insurance in California

santa ana bail bonds

It’s expected that if you’re going to own and operate a vehicle in California, it’s properly insured. The amount of insurance you have that covers your own car is usually left up to you, but the state requires that you at least carry limited liability insurance so anyone else who is involved in the accident […]

Obstruction of Justice Laws in California


A surprising number of people think that obstruction of justice is something the writers of procedural shows made up in order to correct plot holes. While it’s true, obstruction of justice is an overused plot device, it is also a real thing. If you live in California, there are a few things you should know […]

What to Do if You’re Being Stalked


Every single year, approximately 7.5 million Americans become the victims of a stalker. If you suspect that you’ve attracted the attention of a stalker you must remain calm while simultaneously taking steps to protect yourself. Don’t Dismiss the Threat One of the biggest mistakes many stalking victims make is deciding that they are imagining things […]

Bail without Interest

Bail without Interest

  Bailing a friend or family member out of jail is not something that most people have experience with. Unfortunately, people can get arrested at any time and a person may find themselves needing to bail out a loved one. When that happens, these people tend to have a lot of questions. One of the […]

Halloween Safety Tips

Halloween Safety Tips

  October is here, and all anyone can think about is the holiday of Halloween at the end of the month. Kids love getting dressed in fun costumes and trick-or-treating for bags full of candy. Meanwhile, adults enjoy dressing up as well, but they have parties to get to instead of wandering door to door […]