Author Archives: crystal

The Disappointing Reality of Shootings

The Disappointing Reality of Shootings

There are several universal laws that everyone should know, and typically follow. The problem with universal codes is that we assume everyone will follow those codes as well. Unfortunately, bad people do bad things. People break universal laws all the time, which is why we have services to help prevent this. If a law is […]

A New Freeway in Southern California?

A New Freeway in Southern California

Southern California is known for its sprawling freeways. These giant roads crisscross all over the region, creating an intricate spider-web of asphalt and concrete. Unfortunately, many of them are bogged down by large amounts of traffic, which makes driving across them long and difficult. In order to help alleviate some of that traffic, Los Angeles […]

Tips on How to Be a More Effective Communicator

Tips on How to Be a More Effective Communicator

We interact with people daily, even when we stay home all day. We still communicate with other through our phones, computers, and other technologies. Being silent, and avoiding talking to people still counts as communicating, because you’re using non-verbal cues to communicate that you don’t want to talk. Communication is all around us and we […]

Tax Season Is Here

tax season is here

The new year is already a month old now that January has come and gone. This means we are truly entering into tax season. Businesses are handing out tax forms to their employees, and people are gathering all of the paperwork that they are going to need. It’s time for everyone to sit down and […]

Healthy Choices That Can Make a Big Difference

Healthy Choices That Can Make a Big Difference

Lifestyle changes take time. That’s why New Year Resolutions don’t always work out. You have to start building a habit for several weeks until it becomes a lifestyle change. Just like you can’t expect to lose ten pounds over night, you can’t expect to change your life overnight. Typically a habit is formed after two […]

Small Healthy Choices that can Make a Big Differences

Small Healthy Choices that can Make a Big Differences

January is over, and so are most of our ambitions to carry out our New Year’s Resolutions. The first few days of the “New Year, New You” were great, but then reality kicked in. You realized that it is impractical to spend hours at the gym every day, and that no one really has the […]

Interview Tips You Should Know

Interview Tips You Should Know

Even though we’re not in a recession anymore and the economy seems to be turning around, getting a job is hard. There are millions of people constantly applying for jobs all over the country. Interviews, one-on-one or in groups, happen daily. If you’re just starting out and are in search of a job, the interview […]

Dealing with Difficult Co-Workers

Dealing with Difficult Co-Workers

Early on in our childhoods we’re taught to get along with others. We were told things like, “treat others how you’d like to be treated” and “sharing is caring”. If we ever faced a bully, or didn’t get along with others, we were told to take the high road. Now that we’ve grown up we […]

What to Know About Marijuana DUI in California

What to Know About Marijuana DUI in California ocbailnow

DUI Marijuana in California | What Happens If I’m Charged with a Marijuana DUI? The often tragic consequences and harsh legal penalties for driving under the influence of alcohol are well publicized. What many people don’t realize is that it is also illegal and punishable in all 50 states to drive under the influence of […]

The First Amendment

The First Amendment

The United States is an interesting place when it comes to politics. There are marches and rallies about various different political issues nearly every day. From college protests to riots in the street, Americans are exercising their First Amendment right. The First Amendment of the United States Constitution covers: Freedom of religion Freedom of speech […]