Tag Archives: committing a crime

Can You Get Arrested for Making a Phone Call?

Can you get arrested for making a phone call?

  C ell phones have made communication very easy since their creation. Before, the only times when people could use phones were when they found one mounted to a wall. Nowadays, everyone walks around with a phone in their pockets. Staying in touch with loved ones has never been easier. Unfortunately, there is a drawback […]

Be a Part of the Statistic That Prevents Crime, Not Increases It

Santa Ana Bail Bonds

Disappointingly, crime in Santa Ana has increased for the second year in a row, by 16% this time. You have heard about multiple incidents in the news. Maybe you know someone who was directly involved with a crime. Maybe you were directly involved. Nonetheless, this statistic should not deter your motivations toward being a better […]

Do Not Be Afraid of a Checkpoint

Santa Ana Bail Bonds

There is a good chance you, or someone you know, will come across a DUI checkpoint sometime in your life, and that time may be during 4th of July Weekend. Unless you are driving while under the influence, have a gun, or are running away from just committing a crime, you have nothing to worry […]